Charles Capps


Charles Capps is a retired farmer, land developer, and ordained minister who travels throughout the United States sharing the truth of God's Word. He has taught Bible seminars for thirty years, sharing how Christians can apply the Word to the circumstances of life and live victoriously.

Besides authoring several books, including the bestselling The Tongue - A Creative Force, and the minibook God's Creative Power, which has sold over 3 million copies, Charles Capps Ministries has a national daily syndicated radio broadcast and a weekly television broadcast aired over several networks called "Concepts of Faith."

Showing 1 to 36 of 41 items

Description:  Tracking Available on quantities over 5 units! God's Word is life and healing to you. The Bible promises God's children perfect health, so you don't have to be sick...


Description:  Tracking Available on quantities over 5 units! Your words create and your words destroy. God created the universe with His Words, and He gave Christians that same authority here...


Description:  You know Jesus died for your sins, sickness, and death, but did you also know He crucified and was resurrected so that you could prosper? God's Creative Power for...


Description: The principle of calling things that are not as though they were is the spiritual principle through which everything physical becomes manifest. God created the light by calling for...


Description:  Do you long to know God better? Do you want to understand Scripture more fully? Do you want to pray with power --and see results? Germaine Copeland's three best-selling...


Description:  There are many wounded and brokenhearted people in the Body of Christ who are suffering in their minds and emotions. The battleground of Satan's attack has been in the...


Description: Your words create your future.The entire universe was created by God’s spoken Word, and He has given similar creative power to the words you speak. The Bible is clear:...


Description: Angels, first published in 1984, has sold over 250,000 copies. This classic message provides a foundational introduction to one of the most widespread spiritual phenomena of our age. Now...


Description: Do you long to know God better? Do you want to understand Scripture more fully? Do you want to pray with power - and see results? Germaine Copeland's three...


Description:  El Poder Creativo de Dios Le Dará Resultados, por Charles Capps, inicialmente publicado en 1976, ¡cuenta con más de 4 millones de copias vemdidas! Los poderosos principios de la...


Description:  Seedtime and harvest is God's method for bringing forth His Kingdom into our lives. Everything produces after its kind. If you give love, you will reap love. Plant Your...


Description:  Your Tongue Has the Power of Life and Death!Life is not whatever will be, will be. It’s what you say it is! Words are the most powerful force in...


Description: YOU HAVE AUTHORITY IN THREE REALMS! God has restored your authority in the earth through Jesus and given you back that which satan stole from Adam in the garden. ...


Description:  God's Creative Power Will Work for You has been a much loved scriptural resource for many years. With more than 3 million sold, God's Creative Power for Healing and...


Description:  Features & Benefits- With more than 3 million copies in print, the Prayers That Avail Much, brand is a proven market performer! Fresh, beautiful packaging makes these small yet...


Description:  Words are the most powerful things in the universe! The words you speak will either put you over in life or hold you in bondage. Many people have been...


Description:  These books were made to travel! Whether on the plane, to the office, or just on your nightstand, these books were designed to keep up with your busy lifestyle....


Description:  The heart is true to the demands placed on it. Surely no one would be foolish enough in natural things to argue with you when you turn the thermostat...


Description: How You Can Avoid Tragedy and Live a Better Life! You can absolutely change the direction of your life by exposing your heart to the Word of God! How...


Description:  ¡La Palabra de Dios es la cosa más poderosa en el universo hoy en día! Usted tiene la autoridad de dar una voz a Su Palabra. Mucha gente ha...


Description:  With more than 4 million copies sold in the series, Prayers That Avail Much for Women, full of the classic scriptural prayers that readers love, is now available in...


Description:  As a Christian, you have an Advocate in heaven. You have Jesus as your representative. In When Jesus Prays Through You, Charles Capps reveals powerful insights into your role...


Description:  You Can Pray With Power! Do you long to know God better? Do you want to understand Scripture more fully? Do you want to pray with power --and see...


Description:  Charles Capps teaches how God sees you, in His Own image, and how that image God puts in His Word is the image you should have of yourself. This...


Description:  From the classic bestselling series on prayer, with over 4 million books sold, comes this much needed and requested edition written especially for leaders - in business, ministry, and...


Description:  A grandparent's life is just as busy, challenging - and fun - as it has ever been. But what greater joy is there than to watch your grandchildren discover...


Description:  A timeless classic, Prayers That Avail Much(R) for Teens is filled with scriptural prayers that are specific to the needs teenagers face today. Thousands of teens have already discovered...


Description:  God's principles of faith and confession unlock the supernatural to work for you! His spiritual, physical and financial provision is available to every believer, but you must understand the...


Description: People tend to look at the natural realm as the real world, but the natural world is temporal and subject to change. In this book Charles Capps shows you...


Description:  Time Is Running Out! The Earth Lease Is About To Expire! Could this be the end of the world as we know it? In the midst of cataclysmic natural...


Description:  With more than 4 million copies sold in the series, Prayers That Avail Much for Mothers, full of the classic scriptural prayers that readers love, is now available in...


Description:  God's system of answered Prayer! God's Word is alive and powerful. It is living substance. It is law in the world of the spirit. Prayer is governed by spiritual...


Description:  Many books have been written on the subject of positive thinking and success, but most deal only with the mental realm and lack a spiritual connection. In this modern...


Description:  Previously titled The Messenger of Satan. In Second Corinthians 12:7, Paul writes about "a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan" who had been sent to harass him....


Description:  If you are like many Christians, when the going gets tough, you may have more faith in someone else's prayers than in your own. We all know people who...


Description:  The Power of Prayer is Yours! This is a time when people everywhere are in need of real answers, real solutions. Now, more than ever, you need to know...
