Denise Renner

Denise Renner is a minister, author, and classically trained vocalist. Alongside her husband Rick Renner, Denise spent more than a decade ministering stateside before they co-founded their international ministry. Together they have proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the former Soviet Union and around the world for more than 20 years.

In addition to serving as senior pastors of the Moscow Good News Church, Rick and Denise are the founders of the Riga and Kiev Good News Churches, the Good News Training Center, and the Good News Association of Pastors and Churches -- through which they oversee several hundred member churches. Each week Denise can also be seen by more than 13 million viewers on her television broadcast, "Heart to Heart With Denise Renner" -- a popular talk show that highlights testimonies of God's redemptive grace and power. 

Denise is also the founder and director of Make a Difference, a ministry that reaches out with God's love to hurting people in Russia and provides a humanitarian outreach into prisons, hospitals, and orphanages. Meanwhile, Denise continues to minister with her remarkably gifted voice in a wide variety of venues -- whether on a church platform, on a concert stage, or in the stark, bare room of a women's prison -- bringing the tangible presence of Christ's burden-destroying anointing into the room each time she sings. 

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