Faytene Kryskow

Faytene has been in full-time Christian service since 1997.


She began in ministry by serving extensively on the inner-city streets of Vancouver. During this time she lead street outreaches and equipping schools aimed at bringing the love of God the poor, homeless and/or addicted.


In her first two years of official full time Christian service she also functioned as city wide director of Neighbour Link Vancouver, a ministry of World Vision Canada which mobilizes churches to serve the needy in their community in practical ways (food delivery, visitation, home care etc.). During these years NeighbourLink experienced exponential growth with many new churches being mobilized to be the hands and feet of Christ to the city of Vancouver.


In 2000, after being miraculously healed of a terminal illness (auto immune hepatitis), she transitioned to oversees missionary and humanitarian work. During this period she served in Liberia, West Africa, for 7 months under Hope for the Nations in a rescue mission for malnourished children during which time she spearheaded a church plant and the establishment of a mercy ministry there.


Over the last years Faytene has devoted herself to serving as the pioneering director of  TheCRY Movement (V-Kol Media Ministries) which has hosted 12 mass prayer gatherings in Canada and 2 internationally (in Hollywood & Israel), founding & directing the activist organization MYCanada which has equipped thousands of Canadians to be a voice for socially conservative values to the Parliament of Canada, pioneered & led the Women on the Frontlines gatherings in Canada, pioneered & led the Back to Life Movement in Canada and hosted many training events and outreaches.  Faytene has emerged as a respected national leader, conference speaker and talk show guest.


Faytene is married to Robert Grasseschi.  They travel extensively as a speakers and servants to various national and international initiatives.  They have a passion for revival and to empower the Body of Christ to be salt and light in the earth, rise into all the Word of God has for them, to carry the fragrance of Christ and live lives of impact.


Robert and Faytene have two beautiful children and reside in the Niagra Region of southern Ontario.

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