Hank Kunneman

Hank Kunneman is the senior pastor of Lord of Hosts Church and founder of One Voice Ministries. He is an uncompromising voice that God is using to stir up the body of Christ.

Pastor Hank is known for a strong prophetic anointing as he preaches.
His ministry has been marked with an incredible accuracy in the word of knowledge and prophecy concerning nations and world events. He is used of God in demonstrations of the Spirit with many testifying of healing and miracles.

Pastor Hank ministers in conferences and churches both nationally and internationally and has appeared on DayStar, TBN Praise the Lord and other well known television broadcasts. He and his wife, Brenda, also preach as a team, flowing together uniquely in prophetic demonstrations including tongues and interpretation.

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Who Is Stealing All the Bibles? Trouble is lurking in the streets of Piggsburgh, and only one pig can get to the bottom of it: P.I. Gus, detective at large....
