Jenny Kutz

Jenny Kutz, minister and author, has been a part of ministry for as long as she can remember. She started preaching in children's church at the age of 12 years old and has continued to minister ever since. She attended Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK in 2005 and studied Worship Leadership and Pastoral Ministry with an emphasis on youth. As the granddaughter of well-known ministers, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Jenny has seen faith and love lived out in a real way.

She has had hands on training in ministry through various mission outreaches, serving in the local church and assisting her grandparents as they ministered. Jenny has faith to see this generation rise up and live out the great commission. Her heart is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ spread to the nations. Out of that desire, Jenny began Love to the Nations, a ministry dedicated to share the Love of God to people who have never heard. She also founded Global Girls Bible Study, an online Bible study for women from all around the world.

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Description: The heart of ABBA, the Father God, has been evident since creation, when He walked with Adam in close communion. Yet, when sin entered, so did separation from God's...


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