Mini Books

Showing 73 to 108 of 130 items

Description: Have you ever desired to move in the gifts of the Spirit, but have never been able to do so? Have you had difficulty entering into freedom in praise...


Description: Rev. Hagin conducted nationwide: RHEMA correspondence Bible Shcool; and a prison ministry outreach.


Description:  Taking your place as a godly parent has never been more important. In a world where kids find themselves bombarded with ungodly sights and sounds from television, movies, magazines...


Description:  When you hear God talking BIG things to you through His Word and directly to your heart, and then you talk the same thing - thinking BIG, dreaming BIG...


Description:  Have Your Prayers Gone Unanswered? You may have spent many hours praying. You may have prayed, wept and cried yet your prayers have gone unanswered. If this is the...


Description:  How's your self image? Do you see yourself as common and ordinary, or do you see yourself as royalty? Do you see yourself as righteous? As a Christian, you...


Description: What's on your to-do list? From sunrise to sunset, you're checking off items. Some may be easy, some may be challenging. Yet only one thing will help you with...


Description: Tired of being dominated by fear of failure? Here's a dramatic way for you to break through to success. Finally, a failure-proof formula that will work no matter what...


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Description: A war is raging within you. You're a born-again believer, but your flesh is fighting to regain control. You can win that war! God has placed within you The...


Description:  What changes would you need to make for His will to be fulfilled in you? What would it take for you to be healthy whole, undamaged, and intact in...


Description:  Practical Answers to Eternal Questions This powerful little book by Mac Hammond offers insight into familiar but often misunderstood terms such as "born again" and "baptism in the Holy...


Description:  Learn how to turn the pain of offense into an outpouring of blessing with this power-packed book from Kenneth Copeland. You'll discover: -The truth about Satan's strategy of using...


Description:  You can walk in constant victory and beat the devil every time. How? By developing The Unbeatable Spirit of Faith! In this encouraging book, Gloria Copeland shows you how...


Description: No Singe. No Scorch. No Smoke. Everyone goes through fire from time to time when something in our lives gets heated up and seems determined to burn us up!...


Description:  Do you wonder if you can hear from god for yourself? Could He be saying something to you today? What is He telling you about your personal life...your family...your...


Description: You would never assume you have more in your bank account than what you put into it, right? So, why do so many people try to withdraw faith from...


If you're a Christian, life should be getting better and better. You should be living proof of Jesus' declaration that you have life, and...have it more abundantly" (John 10:10).


Description:  Some people say... "God puts sickness on us to teach us." "Sometimes God heals us, if it's His will." Or, "You just never know what He's going to do."...


Description: Perhaps you have wandered off the path of living a holy life and feel like you are trapped. There is hope for you. God wants you to be free....


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Description:  When you were born again, you didn’t just become another of God’s servants—you became His child. And He’s not trying to keep anything good from you. He desires for...


Description: It isn't hard to believe that Jesus is the express image of God. But few realize that God has determined for them as Christians to be conformed to that...


Description: So you want to make some changes in your life. Maybe lose some weight. Or get your finances in shape. But first, you have to change your self-image. You...


Description:  A quality decision is one that requires determination and discipline. From the day a person is born into this world, he is faced with a constant series of choices:...


Description:  Ever feel pressured? Ever feel that is a miracle doesn't happen soon, you might as well give up standing in faith? If you're a child of God, surely you've...


Description: could hire a hundred natural men for your security, but they would be limited by natural things. Not so with angels. From Old Testament times until today, angels...


Description: Some people think life's a gamble. You win some, you lose some. But God's dream is for you to have much more than that. His plan is for you...


Description:  Imagine what it would be like to live healthy and whole all the time. No colds, no flu, no allergies. No heart disease, no mental illness, no cancer. God...


Description:  There is nothing higher than God and His Word and the revelation that comes from meditating on His promises. In this book by Gloria Copeland, you'll learn that any...


Description: It is the responsibility of the Church to manifest the kingdom of God in this natural realm. It's our job to exercise the dominion of that kingdom, and demonstrate...


Description:  En este libro, Kenneth Copeland comparte personalmente los pasos a seguir para cormar parte de la familia de Dios. Él enseña, basado en la Palabra, cómo recibir la salvacion,...


Description:  What can you do when money is in short supply? Keep casting your bread upon the waters eventually it will return to you on every wave! Discover how to...


Description:  If there was ever a generation of people who needed to know how to enter God's protection and stay there, it's this generation. We face harm and harassment at...


Description: Our spirits cry out for more of the same power Jesus had. We long to live lives that truly make a difference and help the world around us see...


Description: A child whose parents care for him, protect him and love him unconditionally, has no reason to fear. In the same way, God says to you in His Word:...


Description:  The Jesus you've read about in the Bible, is the same Jesus who is alive and well today. He has never changed His purpose of helping people. In the...


Description: The prophets of God are telling us we are about to see the greatest outpouring this earth has ever known. But is we want to be a part of...
