Nate Krupp

About the Author:
Nate Krupp was born in 1935 and grew up in Fostoria, Ohio, in the United States of America.  He was converted to Jesus Christ in March 1957 through the witness of two Messianic Jews during his senior year at Purdue University, where he was Student Body President and named “Outstanding Midshipman” of his Naval ROTC.  He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering.

He was discipled by the Navigators while he was an officer in the U.S. Navy Civil Engineer Corps.  This was followed by further training with the Navigators, at Marion College (now Indiana Wesleyan University), and with Campus Crusade for Christ.

In 1961 he married Joanne Sheets Brannon.  They have been together in full-time Christian ministry since then.  He founded Lay Evangelism, Inc. and conducted personal evangelism training with churches of many denominations, 1961-1963, and 1971-1976.  From 1964-1970 Nate spent six years witnessing door-to-door and starting house churches in Chicago.  He worked closely with the National Association of Evangelicals and the National Holiness Association.  

From 1976-1981 and 1983-1986 they were associated with Youth With A Mission in Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington.  In this capacity he pioneered the School of the Bible and the School of Church Ministries, and ministered in many nations on every continent; teaching in YWAM training schools, working with outreach teams, and with local churches.  In 1987 he completed YWAM’s Leadership Training School and received a Master of Arts degree in Christian Ministries from YWAM’s University of the Nations, using his book, The Church Triumphant at the End of the Age - Characterized by Revival, Restoration, Unity, World Evangelization, and Persecution as a thesis.

From 1981-1983 they pastored a Foursquare Church in Salem, Oregon.  From 1986-1991 Nate was calling the Church to united, extraordinary prayer for revival – especially 40 Days of Prayer and Five-Day Prayer Gatherings.

They were part of the house-church movement 1966-1970 and have been working closely with it again since 1987.  Nate’s book, God’s Simple Plan for His Church, has been used on every continent to help countless new house-churches form. 

From 1995 to 2013 they were professors with Christian Leadership University, Elma, New York, with the instruction and tutoring being done by e-mail; teaching courses based on their writings in the areas of Bible study, evangelism, and the Church.

Their main activity from 2000-2007 was pioneering Preparing the Way Publishers, which publishes 38 books on biblical themes.  Nate is the author of twenty-five books and booklets on evangelism, prayer, Bible study, and the Church.  His book, You Can be a Soul Winner - Here’s How has sold over 60,000 copies.  Joanne’s book on the biblical role of women is a major work and has been translated into several languages.  PTWP was turned over to a new team led by Dave and Janice Woodrum in the fall of 2007, and turned over to Destiny Image in 2016.  

Nate served as the Chaplain for the local chapter of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) 2011-21. 

Nate and Joanne live in Salem, Oregon.  Their two married children, Gerry and Beth, are serving the Lord with their spouses.  They each have three children and there are eight great-grandchildren. 

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