Rick Renner

Rick Renner is a prolific author of more than 30 books and a respected Bible teacher and leader in the interna­tional Christian community. Rick is the senior pastor of the Moscow Good News Church. He is also the founder of Rick Renner Ministries and Media Mir, a media outreach in the former USSR, and the host of his TV program seen around the world.

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 items

Description:  Rick Renner's book Dressed To Kill is considered by many to be a true classic on the subject of scriptural warfare. The original version, which sold more than 400,000...


Description: We are living in a day when countless multitudes have lost their way both morally and spiritually. Like a ship without anchor, this last day's generation is being tossed to...


Description: Something New Is Coming —Watch for the SignsSigns. They are important in almost everything we do. Nearly everywhere we go, there are signs in our lives that serve to...


Description:  "The whole armor of God" that worked so effectively for these early believers is the very same set of spiritual armor worn by the Church of Jesus Christ today....
