Spiritual Gifts

Showing 1 to 36 of 42 items

Description: Discover the Biblical Truth about the controversial gift of speaking in tongues Have you ever been told that speaking in tongues is “not for today?’ Maybe you’ve heard people...


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Description: A Lifestyle of Evangelism You can make a difference for all of eternity by demonstrating God's love and power to the world, starting today. The best way to describe evangelism...


Description: Venturing in the prophetic realm is an exciting adventure that changes your life and the lives of others. A team of well-known prophets share their insights and experiences. Inspiring...


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Description: Author of the "Prophets" series, Dr. Bill Hamon brings the same anointed instruction in this new series on apostles! Learn about the apostolic age and how apostles and prophets...


Description: A Step-By-Step Guide To Operating In The Gift Of Prophecy The gift of prophecy is not reserved for a super-spiritual, elite group of Believers. In fact, the scriptures promise...


Description: A Step-By-Step Guide To Operating In The Gift Of Prophecy The gift of prophecy is not reserved for a super-spiritual, elite group of Believers. In fact, the scriptures promise...


Description: A Step-by-Step Guide to Operating in the Gift of Prophecy The gift of prophecy is not reserved for a super-spiritual, elite group of believers. In fact, the scriptures promise...


Description: *Designed to accompany the Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry DVD Study The gift of prophecy is not reserved for a super-spiritual, elite group of Christians. Scripture promised that...


Description: You are part of the Kings Royal Family This training manual will take you on a systematic journey into your God given destiny. You will dispel the pauper mindset,...


Description: We all experience the impossibilities of life, just like the four men in the Bible who sought Jesus’ healing touch for their paralyzed friend. The question is—how will you...


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Description: Provides insights into how to be a successful Christian, guiding readers in finding their inner strength and purpose and living as God wills.


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Description: Go Beyond Self-Help and Get Spiritual-Help! Can you experience deep, permanent relief… in minutes? A times comes for everyone when theories and mental exercises just don’t cut it, and...


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Description: Are you satisfied with “church as usual,” or are you desperately thirsty for more and ready to move from renewal to revival to harvest!? Desperate for New Wine excites,...


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Description: Arm Yourself With the Supernatural GIFTS OF GOD Never again will you feel bored, powerless, or overwhelmed by the world around you-living supernaturally is an eternal gift from God....


Description: Do you know that just beneath your feet are deep wells of revival? Are you aware that you are standing on bottomless geysers and founts of the anointing and...


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Description: The Holy Spirit Wants to Work Through You!  Because of division over these controversial questions, many Christians have embraced a major deception about the Holy Spirit—that He is no...


Description: Every Christian has received a divine inheritance—access to a life beyond anything they could ever imagine! As God continues to pour out His Spirit through dreams, visions and supernatural...


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Description: Get ready to see the voice of God! God speaks to us in many different ways. Some unusual. Some downright otherworldly. And some more common than others. And yet,...


Description: Bishop T.D. Jakes provides comforting hope and practical ways for all people, including Christians, to get up after they have fallen. Everyone falls from time to time; and the...


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Description: Ignite A Roaring Passion! This radical and biblically sound teaching will ignite a roaring passion for Jesus in the hearts of believers for the glory of God. You Will...


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Description: How do you watch Invisible Promises become Visible Blessings in your Life? Many people have prayed for miracles and breakthroughs… but they are still waiting to see these prayers get...


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Description: Jesus and the Book of Acts are the standard of Normal Christianity. Remember the fad a few years ago when people wore bracelets reminding them, What Would Jesus Do?...


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Description: Without a concerted storm of prayer around the clock and around the globe we cannot expect to see revival in our time. Updating the model of the Moravians in...


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Description: ...Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. Psalm 30:5 Doubts, depression, and discouragement are characteristic responses of someone who has endured the worst life...


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Description: Promise of the Third Day presents a thorough description of the Promise of the Third Day through his interpretation of the Scriptures citing references to the third day (and...


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Description: You have been God-ordained to be on a collision course with the destiny of the multitudes. You are going to launch into a fresh empowerment becoming fiery agents of...


Description: There are more examples of personal prophecy in Scripture than any other biblical subject.Prophets and Personal Prophecy is not an abstract theological doctrinal statement but a practical, how-to guide...


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Description: Unlock the Secrets to Walking in Divine Healing...as Science and the Supernatural Collide   You were not designed to live with pain, sickness, or emotional torment. The same God...


Description: Tell your story to everyone and  release the power of Jesus! …For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10). Telling others about the miracles in...


Description: The prophetic movements in church history and in contemporary life are fed by two mighty streams: the prophet, whose revelation is primarily verbal, and the seer, whose revelation is...


Description: Satisfy the hunger in your heart!   An exciting and insightful journey into the visionary world of The Seer.   The prophetic movements in church history and in contemporary life...


Description: Discovering the Miraculous Power of Faith This book is a collection of powerful sermons given by world-renowned evangelist and healer, Smith Wigglesworth. The material—never before released in a single...


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Description: God has dreams and visions reserved in heaven… waiting for you! Too many people are stuck in the rut of the average, ordinary, and mundane. Why? They think what...


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Description: Your Behind-the-Scenes Guide to the Unseen World of the Paranormal The supernatural world is all around us. You can’t turn on the TV, go to the movies, or browse...


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Description: Bishop T.D. Jakes focuses on the problems plaguing the United States of America and addresses issues that many would rather not consider. Racism, though more sophisticated and attitudinal, is...


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Description: NO BIO


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