Steve Wohlberg


Steve Wohlberg is the Speaker/Director of White Horse Media and hosts the Sword of the Spirit television series. The author of 23 books, he has been a guest on over 500 radio and TV shows, has spoken by special invitation inside the Pentagon and U.S. Senate, and has been featured on The History Channel documentary, Strange Rituals. A gifted writer and speaker, Steve has taught tens of thousands about the love of Jesus Christ and the importance of preparing for His soon return. He currently lives in Priest River, Idaho, with his wife Kristin, their son Seth Michael, and their daughter, Abigail Rose.

Showing 1 to 6 of 6 items

Description: Approaching Armageddon Riots. Pandemic. Divisions. Confusion. Mayhem. Wars and rumors of wars. The world around us is changing quickly; we find ourselves wondering what will be next. What does...


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Description: Eventually, death knocks at every door. It often comes suddenly, without warning, and without mercy. Survivors miss the familiar voice, the personal touch, and the intimate companionship of deceased...


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Description: Will Christians vanish in a rapture? Will seven years of apocalyptic terror overtake those left behind? Will one future Mr. Diabolical - the antichrist - rise to control the...


Description: Will Christians vanish in a rapture? Will seven years of apocalyptic terror overtake those left behind? Will one future Mr. Diabolical - the antichrist - rise to control the...


Description: Overcome the enemy’s assault against you and your family’s health! The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and...


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Description: The Trouble With Twilight is an informative, well-documented, and up-to-date commentary about not only the Twilight book series and movies, but also the culture of occultism and its particular...


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