The Supernatural

Showing 1 to 11 of 11 items

Description: Discover How to Partner With Your Invisible Allies! The world is curious about angels! Pop culture places great emphasis on these invisible beings, nearly idolizing them. But, have you...


Description: Discover Heaven’s blueprint to overcoming darkness in your region! “How could God transform my city? It’s so full of sin, corruption and immorality. Revival could never come here.” Have...


Description: Get free and stay free! Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I...


Description: How Do You Know When You’re Dealing with Demons? Though many of life’s problems have natural causes, in the back of our minds there is one question that must...


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  Description: "Bob Larson has honed the art of exorcism into astonishing public performance." –Los Angeles Times, front page "Men like Bob Larson are out front, battling Satan, leading the...


Description: Arm Yourself With the Supernatural GIFTS OF GOD Never again will you feel bored, powerless, or overwhelmed by the world around you-living supernaturally is an eternal gift from God....


Description: From Curses to Blessings takes readers through a thorough teaching on the various causes that allow curses to enter our lives, including generational patterns and personal sin. The authors...


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Description: Experience the Victory, Peace, and Freedom that You Have Been Looking For!   Jezebel is mentioned 22 times throughout the Bible. More than a sinister queen in the Old...


Description: The Battle Is Ours! “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world” (Eph. 6:12 NIV)....


Description: Your Behind-the-Scenes Guide to the Unseen World of the Paranormal The supernatural world is all around us. You can’t turn on the TV, go to the movies, or browse...


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Description: Satanist-Turned-Evangelist Gives You the Inside Strategy to Defeat the Devil’s Plans! Many people, even Christians, deny the devil’s power. John Ramirez doesn’t have that luxury—he experienced the prince of...
