Todd Bentley

Since evangelist/revivalist Todd Bentley's first dramatic Damascus road-type encounter with the saving and delivering power of God, God has drawn him into deep, intimate, and extended times of prayer and soaking that have torn open the heavens over his life and ministry. His spiritual experiences, visions, trances, dreams, angelic visitations, prophetic throne room experiences, and visitations of God, came about because of his passion to know the Father. Since then, Todd has continued to cultivate a lifestyle of seeking for and living in the presence of the One whom he loves, and in turn, God continues to show him His supernatural world the world He has called every spirit-filled child of His to know and experience. The passion of Todd's life and ministry to the nations is to see others come into the reality of intimate relationship with Jesus and to experience the transferable, tangible anointing of the Holy Spirit. Today, God releases His presence and power through Todd's life in a mighty way, confirming that Jesus still heals every sickness and disease.

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Description: Ignite A Roaring Passion! This radical and biblically sound teaching will ignite a roaring passion for Jesus in the hearts of believers for the glory of God. You Will...


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