Description: You CAN build a strong and lasting marriage! Even if you have pre-marriage counseling with your pastor, this book is an excellent and richly rewarding experience for both of...
Description: Get Married, Stay Married is a complete series of marriage counseling sessions rolled into one comprehensive book that couples can read and absorb together. The reality of the authors’...
Description: Kingdom Parenting provides answers to burning questions both teens and parents have in facing the unique challenges of being a parent or teen today. This book examines the changing...
Description: You hold in your hands a fresh and exciting way to enhance your personal life and enrich your spiritual journey. This expanded edition of Lady in Waiting includes: Original...
Description: You Are Worth Waiting For! In a world consumed with quick-fixes, superficial romances, and “hookup” relationships, maybe you’re asking— What’s the benefit to actually waiting for God’s best?Is there...
Description: (Contains 1 book, 1 DVD, and 1 Study Guide) You Are Worth Waiting For! In a world consumed with quick-fixes, superficial romances, and “hookup” relationships, maybe you’re asking— What’s...
Description: (Contains 25 books, 1 DVD, and 25 Study Guides) You Are Worth Waiting For! In a world consumed with quick-fxes, superficial romances, and “hookup” relationships, maybe you’re asking— What’s the...
Description: (Contains 10 books, 1 DVD, and 10 Study Guides) You Are Worth Waiting For! In a world consumed with quick-fixes, superficial romances, and “hookup” relationships, maybe you’re asking— What’s...
Description: * Study guide is designed to accompany Lady in Waiting DVD series.* You Are Worth Waiting For! In a world consumed with quick-fixes, superficial romances, and “hookup” relationships, maybe...
Description: Become God's best while waiting for Mr. Right! Based on the national bestselling book Lady in Waiting DVD Video (Leader's Guide included) Jackie Kendall’s lively teaching from the book...
Description: HOW MANY OF US TRULY UNDERSTAND LOVE? Probably no other dimension of human experience has been pondered, discussed, debated, analyzed, and dreamed about more than the nature of true...
Description: In Single, Married, Separated and Life after Divorce Expanded Edition, Myles Munroe goes more in depth exploring the full range of human relationships. He demolishes the myths surrounding 'singleness'...
Description: Written by best-selling author and beloved pastor Myles Munore, Single, Married, Separated, & Life After Divorce, Expanded Edition brings meaningful understanding to various stages of relationships. Whether you are...
Description: Get Out of the "Marriage Rut" and Find Hope & Happiness Together Do you feel stuck in your marriage or distanced from your spouse? Maybe you've reached the point...
Description: Become the young woman you were made to be while you wait for God’s best. You are beautiful, valuable, and completely unique from anyone else who has ever lived...