
God's Secret Weapon: Worship: Cultivate a Lifestyle of God Encounters that Unleashes Heaven's Power


There is a supernatural sound that only comes from secret time in the secret placeÉ When you release this heavenly sound, circumstances in the Earth shake. When we thank God, we get God's attention. When we praise God, He draws near. When we worship Him, our faith, hope and love...

There is a supernatural sound that only comes from secret time in the secret placeÉ

When you release this heavenly sound, circumstances in the Earth shake. When we thank God, we get God's attention. When we praise God, He draws near. When we worship Him, our faith, hope and love release God's supernatural power to move mountains.

Dr. Alveda King is a fierce champion of love and life, and her passion is fueled by her deep relationship with the God she worships. In this personal, power-packed book, Dr. King draws readers into dynamic expressions of worship and heart-to-heart secret place encounters with the Lord.

In this book, you are going on a supernatural journey, from cultivating a secret place lifestyle of worship, to seeing your encounters with God dynamically impact the world around you! Allow your heart to be encouraged and strengthened as you draw near to God in a new way.

As you take time to be still each day with God's Secret Weapon: Worship, you will:

  • Cultivate a lifestyle of power with God in the secret place of encounter.
  • Identify the 4 Kingdom Realms and their supernatural impact on your life and world.
  • Discover the Secrets of "the Worshipping King" from the life and Psalms of King David.
  • Learn supernatural principles from key Bible characters: Having a Daniel Perspective or a Queen Esther Calling.
  • Win victories in the High Court of Heaven through anointed decrees, worship and prayers.

God is extending a personal invitation for you to experience the kind of worship that David knew as he encountered His Presence. He's calling you to live from the secret place, where your praise and worship change you from the inside out and invite HeavenÕs influence into every circumstance!

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