Gloria Copeland
Gloria Copeland is a noted author and minister of the Gospel whose teaching ministry is known throughout the world. Believers worldwide know her through Believers' Conventions, Victory Campaigns, magazine articles, teaching tapes and videos, and the daily and Sunday Believer's Voice of Victory television broadcast, which she hosts with her husband, Kenneth Copeland. She is known for Healing School, which she began teaching and hosting in 1979 at KCM meetings. Gloria delivers the Word of God and the keys to victorious Christian living to millions of people every year.
Gloria has written many books, including God's Will for You, Walk with God, God's Will Is Prosperity, Walk in the Spirit and Living Contact. She has also co-authored several books with her husband, including Family Promises, Healing Promises and the best-selling daily devotional, From Faith to Faith. She holds an honorary doctorate from Oral Roberts University. In 1994, Gloria was voted Christian Woman of the Year, an honor conferred on women whose example demonstrates outstanding Christian leadership. Gloria is also the co-founder and vice president of Kenneth Copeland Ministries in Fort Worth, Texas.
Description: Take the God Is My Source challenge! Many people are faced with overwhelming financial challenges. When they compare their paycheck to their needs, they wonder... How are we going...
Description: Are you one of the many believers who has been taught that the infilling of the Holy Spirit was for a select few on the Day of Pentecost? Or...
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Description: There is a medicine so powerful it can cure every sickness and disease known to man. It has no dangerous side effects. It's even safe in massive doses. Sound...
Description: You can have the protection of the strongest defense in the world. In an ever-changing world, the constant protection God promises in the 91st Psalm will cover you in...
Description: Take a Double Dose of God's Medicine. What's better than receiving healing from the Lord in times of sickness? Living healed all the time! Gloria Copeland has been living...
"Be ready." God has an appointment with the Church. Through His Word and Spirit, we know that His time of judgment and celebration with His children is near."Be ready." You...
Description: A war is raging within you. You're a born-again believer, but your flesh is fighting to regain control. You can win that war! God has placed within you The...
Description: What changes would you need to make for His will to be fulfilled in you? What would it take for you to be healthy whole, undamaged, and intact in...
Description: Everything you have been called to do in this life is impossible for you to do alone. But take heart. You were born again to accomplish hard things impossible...
Description: Speaking healing scriptures over yourself is the key to staying healed and whole. In this CD and accompanying booklet, Gloria Copeland leads you through portions of God's Word that...
Description: Perhaps you have wandered off the path of living a holy life and feel like you are trapped. There is hope for you. God wants you to be free....
If you're a Christian, life should be getting better and better. You should be living proof of Jesus' declaration that you have life, and...have it more abundantly" (John 10:10).
Description: No Singe. No Scorch. No Smoke. Everyone goes through fire from time to time when something in our lives gets heated up and seems determined to burn us up!...
Description: You can walk in constant victory and beat the devil every time. How? By developing The Unbeatable Spirit of Faith! In this encouraging book, Gloria Copeland shows you how...
Description: You would never assume you have more in your bank account than what you put into it, right? So, why do so many people try to withdraw faith from...
Description: Some people think life's a gamble. You win some, you lose some. But God's dream is for you to have much more than that. His plan is for you...
Description: Ever feel pressured? Ever feel that is a miracle doesn't happen soon, you might as well give up standing in faith? If you're a child of God, surely you've...
Description: Some people say... "God puts sickness on us to teach us." "Sometimes God heals us, if it's His will." Or, "You just never know what He's going to do."...
Description: The Fruit of the Spirit Are Supernatural PowerhousesDo you desire to look and act more like Jesus and walk daily in the power heaven promises? Developing the fruit of...
Is it really God's will for you to be healed? As a born-again believer, you've got to be sure. One day your life may depend on it. Let Gloria Copeland...
Description: It is the responsibility of the Church to manifest the kingdom of God in this natural realm. It's our job to exercise the dominion of that kingdom, and demonstrate...
Description: Imagine what it would be like to live healthy and whole all the time. No colds, no flu, no allergies. No heart disease, no mental illness, no cancer. God...
Description: The Jesus you've read about in the Bible, is the same Jesus who is alive and well today. He has never changed His purpose of helping people. In the...
Description: could hire a hundred natural men for your security, but they would be limited by natural things. Not so with angels. From Old Testament times until today, angels...
Description: There is nothing higher than God and His Word and the revelation that comes from meditating on His promises. In this book by Gloria Copeland, you'll learn that any...
Description: Don't wait until an emergency comes. Don't wait until your body is weak and sick to start feeding on healing scriptures. Live in divine health every day! In this...
Description: Like it or not, you are in a battle, "not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against...
Description: The prophets of God are telling us we are about to see the greatest outpouring this earth has ever known. But is we want to be a part of...
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Some important questions everyone asks at some time in their life are: "Why am I here?" "Why was I born?" "What is God's purpose for my life?" "Why do I...
Description: Speaking right words—God's Word—consistently, brings the power of God onto the scene of your life to save, heal and deliver. Kenneth and Gloria Copeland heard and received that revelation...
Description: Discover the strength to push through to victory. The only way the enemy can defeat you in any area of your life is if you give up. So how...
Description: The foundation is the most important part of any building. If it isn't stable, the entire structure is sure to fall. It's the same in the spirit realm. God...
Description: God has blessings in His hand, and He is longing to pass them to us. So what is He waiting for? Using an analogy from the sports world, Gloria...
Description: Does it seem like the world is full of shortages? Shortages of time, money, and health seem to abound all around us. However Jesus assured us that, as believers,...
Description: There's a faith race every believer is destined to win. When you're determined to go the distance and run a steady race with faith and patience, you'll be able...
Description: The Hebrew word for health in Proverbs 4 means "medicine." God's Word is medicine to all of our flesh. If you will learn to take that medicine daily, it...