Daughter of God, Break Free from Tradition and Embrace Your Divine Destiny! For centuries, religion, tradition, and even the devil himself have tried to suppress the role and potential of...
WORK IN A DIVINE PARTNERSHIP WITH GOD TO UNLEASH POWER IN YOUR PRAYERS Are you longing for a deeper, more effective prayer life? Do you want to pray with more...
Know Jesus Intimately and Live In His Abundant Freedom Are you yearning for an intimate encounter with Jesus, to embrace the fullness of the life He promised? Do you long...
Moving from Passivity to Purpose For many Christians, "church" is defined by attending an occasional Sunday service mired in an audience mentality. Virtually ineffective and having no impact, we have...
Do you know why you're here? Do you know what you're supposed to accomplish? Your work — what you do in this life — matters greatly to God. Whether it...
No matter the challenges, troubles, or losses you may face in life, you have a hope that will not be denied summed up in five simple words: The Lord Is...
Stand on the shoulders of giants! Have you ever wished you could have a mentor like the Apostle Paul—someone trustworthy to guide your spiritual development and ministry? Tony Cooke, author,...