
Showing 109 to 144 of 357 items

Jesus Wants You Healed and Made Whole!  There is nothing in the heart or the will of God that wants you to stay sick or in pain. He doesn’t use...


Is Your Life Demon-Proof? Are you plagued by the same sins? Have you repeatedly repented, yet still feel caught in cycles of captivity? Have you followed the programs and tried...


Become a Threat to the Powers of Darkness Are you doing everything you can―saying the right prayers, doing the right things―yet still finding yourself swallowed up by circumstances, devoid of...


In A World of Political Turmoil and Spiritual Confusion, Where Should You Stand? In a world awash with voices claiming divine endorsement, many are led astray, lost in a sea...


Do Your Thoughts Invite the Demonic or the Divine? Is your mind clouded with thoughts of depression or anxiety, even anger or bitterness? Have you tried to rise up and...


Demystify the Gift of Speaking in Tongues Does the gift of speaking in tongues make you uncomfortable―maybe downright skeptical? Controversy, misunderstanding, and false teachings surround this topic for a reason:...


Unlock Realms of Glory through Praying in Tongues!Is your vision of praying in tongues too small? Is it unbiblical?Too often we, as believers, avoid praying in tongues due to confusion...


Have You Experienced the Power of Your Kingdom Citizenship? Are you thriving in life? As a child of the King, you are meant to flourish in the limitless blessing, favor,...


Are You Being Prayed For―Or Preyed On? Do you feel like unseen forces are wreaking havoc on your life? As if some who claim to be Christians are actually praying...


Take Your Place in the Greatest Revival of All Time Could we be headed for another Azusa Street Revival—only this time, with an even greater global outpouring of God's glory?...


How You Pray—or Don't Pray—Today Impacts Generations to Come What words do you speak over America? As you see evil glorified both in the media and in the lives around...


You Were Meant to Soar When Everything Around You Is Shaking! Everyday life is a journey of peaks and valleys. Circumstances, trials, and challenges are unavoidable. But it is possible for you to...


Expect a Fresh Holy Spirit Outpouring in Your Life Today! Can you sense, deep in your soul, a hunger to experience something more? Do you thirst to know God experientially, not...


Bring Heaven's Power to Earth's Problems Do you want to carry the tangible, miracle-working, prophetic power of God? Does it sometimes seem like it’s reserved only for the elite? The...


The Secret to Shaping the World and Impacting Generations "If you are reading this right now, that means God is wooing you deeper. He is inviting you to go deeper...


Experience Untapped Dimensions of Blessing, Fullness, and Encounter! Is it possible modern believers are missing out on the fullness of Heaven by neglecting God's prophetic calendar? Is there something the...


Live Boldly and Fearlessly in these Last Days Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of evil in the world today? Do you long to know God's plan for these...


Pray, Prophesy, and Proclaim God's Promises Over Your Prodigal In an age gripped by deception, countless souls―including our children, spouses, and friends―are drifting away from God. It can feel like...


Your Best Days Are Yet to Come! In this captivating book, The Paradise of God, you will discover what the Bible says about creation and the role of the Church from...


On April 20th, 1999, Billy Epperhart was taking a break to go fishing. That's when he received the call that two students had opened fire at Columbine High School. As...


You're One Thought Away from a Revolutionized Life Do you feel stuck? Are you trapped doing the same things over and over? Are you tired of not getting that promotion,...


Jesus' Peace Prevails over Every Storm When trouble comes, it can turn your world upside down. It can feel like everywhere you look a problem stares you down and another...


Defeat Sickness and Disease Once and for All Are you or a loved one discouraged by sickness in your life? Does it seem like even your most fervent prayers go...


Find Freedom from Demonic Cycles that Hold You Captive Do you have a sense of purpose and destiny, but it feels beyond your grasp? Have you received prophetic words that...


Prolific author, college and seminary professor, and co-founder of Liberty University, Elmer Towns has written a second Teaching Series consisting of six profound books designed to stir your spirit and...


Demolish the Demonic Agenda By Partnering with the Legislation of Heaven Do the news headlines cause your heart to faint with fear and worry? Are you concerned about the society...


Radically Transform Your Life in 40 Days!   Have you tried again and again to change something in your life for the better―and failed? Maybe it was trying to stop...


YOUR SPIRITUAL ARSENAL AWAITS WITHIN.ARE YOU READY TO CLAIM IT? When battles rage against the forces of darkness, you need more than mere faith―you need weapons. Weapons forged in holy...


THE UNTOLD STORY OF ONE MAN’S LIFE QUEST FOR TRUTH From the age of 13 Alan’s spiritual path was planned and mapped out for him. He was chosen as a...


This sickness caused sadness, stress and fear, But with You all things are possible—and we must keep You near. We don’t know when or if this sickness will be gone,...


Experience a Life-Changing Taste of Heaven Have you ever had days when everything that could go wrong does? Are you haunted by pain from losing a loved one? Do you...


A Christmas Devotional is like strolling through the month of December wrapped in all the beauty and splendor of the Christmas season. No other time of year is packed as full...


Experience God's Supernatural Power in Action Have you heard of God’s supernatural power but never experienced it? Are you tired of talking about a coming move of God―and ready to...


Set Your Prayers on Fire Broken families, decayed morality, and unstable economies are enough to make you feel impotent and unable to affect change in your life and world. But...


You're Too Blessed to be Stressed! It is easy to become overwhelmed in our fast-paced world, especially with the myriad of challenges we face–struggling to meet basic needs, raising children...


What do you want out of life? The vast majority of people avoid answering this daunting question. As a result, they spend their days aimlessly drifting or scrambling from one...
