Uncopyable Sales Secrets

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Uncopyable Sales Secrets
Uncopyable Sales Secrets


Sound Wisdom





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Make more sales, grow your network, and become a top earner! Uncopyable Sales Secrets teaches a foolproof system for creating an Uncopyable Attachment with your prospects and clients so that you can fill your sales pipeline, close more deals, and build a loyal customer base. Sales success isnÕt the result of being good at selling a product or serviceÉit comes from being good at selling yourself. ThatÕs rightÑyou, not your product or service, are the most valuable asset to the customer. To become a master salesperson, you have to make the relationship with the buyer uniquely valuable. You have to make yourself invaluable and irreplaceable. In short, you have to make yourself and the partnership youÕre pitching Uncopyable. Learn how to reach buyers before your competitionÑand become their personal and professional allyÑin this breakthrough book on high-performance selling. Kay Miller, a powerhouse sales guru who began her career as one of the first women hired by an industry leader in hardware and went on to become the No. 1 muffler salesperson in the world, shares the proven principles responsible for her sales success. Kay calls it the Uncopyable Sales Strategy, and it involves: áCreating a win-win outlook for both you and your customers áStepping beyond fear to consistently expand your comfort zone áGetting in the door by making an Uncopyable first impression áTrading negotiation and persuasion for mutually profitable relationship-building áLeveraging multiple contact platforms to maximize communication effectiveness áSecuring the order by asking the right questions, listening, and following up áAnd more!Uncopyable Sales Secrets equips you with the techniques you need to enhance your prospecting skills, make more sales, grow your network, and become a top earner in your organization. When you execute this process, your customers will see you not only as delivering a superior product or service, but also as part of a high-value relationship they simply cannot get anywhere else. Read this bookÉbefore your competition does!






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