Harrison House Publishers
Description: God’s path to success is upside-down. All of the Bible’s greatest heroes share one common trait: humility. In God’s eyes, humility qualifies a person for increased favor and grace. In More Grace,...
Do you want to excel in your career and calling, but don’t know how to do it? Are you frustrated with being passed over for promotions? God created every person...
Have you ever felt frustrated trying to please God? Do you believe your relationship with Him is based on your performance? If the Christian life seems like a struggle, you...
Cultural and historical revisions present America as a nation that always has been and always will be racist. Is that true? What are the real roots of racism? Is there...
Description: Recent surveys indicate that the vast majority of Christians, those claiming to be born-again, believe that their salvation is at least in part dependent upon their behavior and actions....
Description: Te has preguntado alguna vez, ¿qué fue lo que cambió cuando naciste de nuevo ? Te ves en el espejo y ves el mismo reflejo tu cuerpo no ha...
Description: Probably one of the most well- known characters in the Bible is David. He grew up a shepherd boy and defeated a giant named Goliath and then went on...
¿Te encuentras experimentando los mismos desafíos y fracasos? ¿Qué sucedería si pudieras cambiar tu vida sin esfuerzo? La clave es sembrar la Palabra de Dios en tu corazón. ¡Es así...
Description: Have you ever thought, I m doing everything I know to do, what's wrong with me? What's it going to take to get God to move on my behalf?...
Description: Does the way you pray effect results? After nearly four decades of ministry, Andrew Wommack has discovered some important truths about prayer. His prayer life is much different than...