Mini Books

Showing 1 to 36 of 130 items

Description:  Tracking Available on quantities over 5 units! God's Word is life and healing to you. The Bible promises God's children perfect health, so you don't have to be sick...


Description:  Tracking Available on quantities over 5 units! Your words create and your words destroy. God created the universe with His Words, and He gave Christians that same authority here...


Description:  You know Jesus died for your sins, sickness, and death, but did you also know He crucified and was resurrected so that you could prosper? God's Creative Power for...


Description:  Receive Healing Now! God has left you many healing promises in His Word and His desire is for you to live in health and enjoy your life! All health...


Description:  Why You Should Speak In Tongues!In this book Norvel Hayes explains one of the reasons why you should speak in tongues is, unless you allow Jesus to baptize you...


Description:  The infilling of the New Testament believers with the Holy Ghost should be our pattern today. I propose that we look at the Acts of the Apostles, see how...


Description:  This powerful little book is a unique compilation of Scriptures that will enable you to speak the Word over the situations you face on a daily basis. Whether at...


Description: The principle of calling things that are not as though they were is the spiritual principle through which everything physical becomes manifest. God created the light by calling for...


Description:  Scripture Confessions for Kids gives children easy-to-read and understand professions of faith. Protection, joy, sweet sleep, friends, and parents are just a few of the topics. Kids will learn...


Description: Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature (i.e. creation): old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17.


Description:  This powerful little book is a unique compilation of Scriptures that will enable you to speak the Word over the situations you face on a daily basis as a...


Description: A wrong confession is a confession of defeat, of failure and of the supremacy of Satan. They are always talking about what a time they're having with the devil--what a...


Description:  Your Words are Full of Power What you say really does make a difference, so why not let your words work for you? This book is full of Scripture...


Description:  The ministry of Kenneth E. Hagin has spanned more than 50 years since God miraculously healed him of a deformed heart and incurable blood disease at the age of...


Description: As a Christian, you claim the salvation provided for by Jesus? death and resurrection. But did you know that Christ died to save you from more than just sin...


Description:  How does quantum physics relate to the Bible? Can words move mountains? How did Jesus supersede the laws of physics? There are amazing similarities between the teachings of Jesus...


Description:  What are those provisions? What are our rights? What actually belongs to us when it comes to physical healing and health? How can we ascertain exactly what was secured...


Description: Kenneth E. Hagin will teach you how to received the Holy Spirit and gain faith.


Description:  The Real Life Series is written to teach children ages 6 to 9 about the fundamentals of Christianity. These fun, scriptural messages help kids understand salvation, the Holy Spirit,...


Description:  Your Words Have the Power to Change...Everything It is by what you say and believe that you receive salvation, and that same principle of saying and believing brings all...


Description:  There are two spiritual laws at work in the world today: the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and the law of sin and death. The...


Description:  Knowing God Through Prayer God knows everything about you, but He longs for you to know Him. He wants to share His thoughts with you through His Word and...


Description:  The Real Life Series is written to teach children ages 6 to 9 about the fundamentals of Christianity. These fun, scriptural messages help kids understand salvation, the Holy Spirit,...


Description:  In order to receive healing and live in health, you must prayerfully evaluate your life as a whole and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you into wellness. In...


Description:  God Wants You to Prosper! God's Word is full of financial promises and His desire for you to have an abundant life. As you read and declare God's Word...


Description:  How to Be Healed What to Do When Symptoms Return Why Faith is Important How to Resist the Devil.


Description:  Seedtime and harvest is God's method for bringing forth His Kingdom into our lives. Everything produces after its kind. If you give love, you will reap love. Plant Your...


Description: Worry. It's the enemy's way to subtly steal from you...kill you...destroy you...while convincing you that you're doing the "responsible" thing. It's the tool he uses to make sure you're...


Description:  El Poder Creativo de Dios Le Dará Resultados, por Charles Capps, inicialmente publicado en 1976, ¡cuenta con más de 4 millones de copias vemdidas! Los poderosos principios de la...


Description: The Lord Jesus Christ is an example for us. We're supposed to fight the deveil the same way that Jesus fought the devil. In this book you'll learn the...


Description: Is communion just a religious observance? Or, is it an actual connecting point with the power of Jesus Christ Himself? There is much more involved in receiving Communion than...


Description:  This powerful little book is a unique compilation of Scriptures that will enable you to speak the Word over the situations you face on a daily basis as a...


Description:  For a marriage to work it must be founded upon the Word of God. It cannot be built on feelings, hopes or dreams. Attitude often makes the difference between...


Description: Warning: A destructive spirit of division has been assigned by the devil to destroy our homes, churches and nation. But, the good news is we can stand strong in...


Description:  Take the God Is My Source challenge! Many people are faced with overwhelming financial challenges. When they compare their paycheck to their needs, they wonder... How are we going...


Description:  Tithing is much more than a Christian discipline. It is a covenant symbol of God's love. Scripture is very clear - if you do not tithe, you are stealing...
