All Books and ecourses

Showing 1 to 21 of 21 items

Description: God is Good. He's better than you think! Your view of God impacts everything! “In a friendly, even fatherly tone, Bill Johnson helps guide you through Scripture—Old Testament to...


Description: Enjoy a cup of inspiration! Take a big swallow of spiritual java to start your day, and your spirit will be energized to meet and conquer the world on...


Description: Bill Johnson Answers Your Toughest Questions about the Goodness of God Bill Johnson helps answer some of your most controversial and challenging questions about the goodness of God! To build...


Description: The Lord is Good! In the midst of life's trials and circumstances, there is a timeless source of peace you can always draw joy from: “Taste and see that the Lord...


Description: Discover your identity as a carrier of God’s presence, glory and power!   Do you sometimes wonder how God can consider you a friend in light of your failures...


Description: The world is suffering from a leadership void… Nations are shaking, culture is shifting, and society is restlessly waiting for leaders to arise and take their place in framing...


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Description: You Were Created For This Moment in History!  A new breed of revivalist is arising to answer the cry of God’s heart. These burning ones are calling cities and...


Description: Forget about redesigning your living room or adding "curb appeal"-how about redesigning the world! Author Bill Johnson reveals the secrets of using God's unlimited supply of everything to transform...


Description: Inspiration That Will Unlock Your Potential and Release Your Destiny! You were made for greatness, not mediocrity. Every human being was formed in the image and likeness of the...


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Description: 100 Days of Journeying Deeper Into God’s Presence ...featuring Devotions by Christian Mystics: Miguel de Molinos, Jeanne Guyon and Francois Fenelon Bored with the exercises of religious ritualism and...


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Description: Become the Confident, Secure, and Powerful Person God Designed You To Be Do you live in fear of what others think of you? Do you worry about missing out...


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Description: Transforming Yourself and Your World! Mobilizing a new breed of revivalists living in intimacy with Jesus and moving in the supernatural to see culture shaped and nations transformed. The...


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Description: Take the Limits off Your Dreams and Unleash Your Faith You were made for more. Don’t you sense it? There is a desire in every human heart to be...


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Description: Experience True Liberation by Seeing Your Beauty, Femininity, and Freedom From Heaven’s Point of View Has Christianity kept women trapped in the stone age? In many ways, yes; but...


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Your Secret to Facing the Impossible with Confidence! What is the size of your storm? If it’s a big storm, then you have a big call, and a big promise. More...


Description: "In her book Created for the Impossible, Krissy Nelson draws her readers into a deeper understanding of their relationship with God. She uses her own beautiful testimonies and the Word...


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Description: Step into God’s divine blessing and fulfill your dreams! Are you ready to see your dreams go from vision to fulfillment? To see God’s promised blessings revealed in your life?...


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Description: God wants to answer your prayers without begging, claiming, arguing, or bargaining.  Learn how a successful Christian book publishing business began with a vision from God on the side...


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Description: A 90 Day Devotional: Discover Who You Are and Fulfill Your Destiny The secret to fulfilling your dreams is unlocking your identity If you are uncertain about your life’s...


Description: Redefining Normal Christianity Walk in the Power of Your New Covenant Inheritance! Even though many Christ followers claim to have received the New Covenant—salvation in Jesus—they are not yet...


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Description: Knowing God's Design for Your Life Your life was meant to be an adventure! For many, searching for their life’s purpose is a frustrating and fruitless pursuit. But don’t...


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