All Books and ecourses

Showing 1 to 36 of 164 items

Description: Unlock the Prophetic Significance of the Biblical Feasts! The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, These are the appointed feast...


Description: Do you need a word from God? The Daily Prophecy shares a unique prophetic word—plus much more—for each day of the year. More than a daily devotional, you will...


Description: Satisfy the hunger in your heart!   An exciting and insightful journey into the visionary world of The Seer.   The prophetic movements in church history and in contemporary life...


Description: In this expanded edition of his classic work, Dr. Myles Munroe reveals how worship, rather than mere routine "preliminaries," is the essential key to the presence of God. Worship...


Description: When governments collapse, human philosophies fail and your life is crashing down around you, Rediscovering the Kingdom will become your guide through the treacherous storms of the 21st century....


Description: Discover How to Live as a Citizen of God’s Unshakable Kingdom! Are you ready to experience life on a new, supernatural level? Then it’s time to take your place...


Description: Discover Your True Purpose in Life You have been uniquely created by God… to fulfill your divine purpose! In a day where so many people are frustrated, looking in...


Description: Let the Spirit live inside you! Are you hungry for an encounter with Jesus? Do you want to make an impact on the world? In this power-packed book, Bill...


Description: In this pop Christian culture many believers have never been exposed to the great truths upon which the Church of Jesus Christ has been built. One of those forgotten...


Description: THE SUPERNATURAL POWER OF A TRANSFORMED MIND! You can live a supernatural life. In fact, moving in the spiritual realm should be as routine as prayer, worship and reading...


Description: EXPLORING THE NATURE OF TRUE KINGDOMS "It is my conviction that nothing is more dangerous than a destructive ideology sustained and validated by a theology."  Dr. Myles Munroe, in...


Description: An Environment That Sustains Life, Hope, Honor and Destiny! In this powerful, revelation-packed book, Danny Silk describes the significant paradigm shift in church life, government, and relationships that has...


Description: You can thrive in crisis!   For behold, darkness shall cover the earth,    and thick darkness the peoples;but the Lord will arise upon you,and his glory will be seen...


Description: Discover the Abundant Life of Christ! "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly" (John 10:10B). How long are you willing to live something less than the...


Description: Learning how to maximize your potential gives you the confidence to release the God-given gifts and talents trapped within you. You can make a difference in your world now!...


Description: Best-selling author Myles Munroe reveals in this book the key to personal fulfillment: purpose. We must pursue purpose because our fulfillment in life depends upon our becoming what we...


Description: Every manufactured product was made to function within the context of specified guidelines and an ideal environment in order to achieve it's maximum performance. The presence of God is...


Description: Find your true purpose for existence! Discover the Creator s divine motivation, design, and mandate for His creation and your role in that creation. After reading this book, you...


Description: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you”(Matthew 6:33). Applying the Kingdom provides important context to living an...


Description: The Key to Stepping into Your Destiny The secret to fulfilling your destiny is unlocking your potential—what you are capable of doing and accomplishing with your life. For so...


Description: This book is a faith builder. It challenges every believer to walk in supernatural signs and wonders as a natural part of everyday life. ~John Arnott Anyone can walk...


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Description: God has provided a way to turn certain defeat into awesome victory and demonic strongholds into highways of His love and power. When overwhelming defeat looks you in the...


Description: Discover for yourself: It really IS more blessed to give than to receive! The Power of Blessing is more than an encouragement to bless. It shows you many ways...


Description: Get ready to experience the best 40 days of your life! The 40 Day Soul Fast: Your Journey To Authentic Living is an eight-week study of the life of...


Description: Why are you here? Have you ever wondered why you are living here and now in this particular place and time in history? Not only is Myles Munroe a...


Description: Experience Freedom from the Pain of Your Past! Many women are not enjoying an abundant, full and satisfying life because they are still imprisoned to the pain of the...


Description: It's time to be strong and of good courage. Today's believer is faced with situations unknown fifty, thirty, even twenty years ago. To stand in victory and enter our...


Description: The Holy Spirit Wants to Work Through You!  Because of division over these controversial questions, many Christians have embraced a major deception about the Holy Spirit—that He is no...


Description: Lift Your Eyes Above the Noise of Everyday Life...and Get Lost in the High Places of God’s Presence! Get ready to experience Hannah Hurnard’s Hinds’ Feet on High Places—a...


Description: The presence of God is meant to be more than just an occasional event during Sunday morning Worship---you are meant to live in God's presence! In The Lost Art...


Description: Understanding Your Potential is a motivating, provocative look at the awesome potential trapped within you, waiting to be realized. This book will cause you to be uncomfortable with your...


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Description: Deliverance is Simpler Than You Thought! Deliverance… For some, the word is completely foreign. “What is deliverance? Why would I even need it?” For others, it carries unpleasant baggage:...


Description: Live in freedom! Let your heart be warmed as the oil of T.D. Jakes’ teaching flows from your mind to your spirit. The healing balm that well-known pastor and...


Description: Based on the highly popular and successful book, How to Hear God’s Voice, this exciting new book emphasizes the 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice. “When I learned to...


Description: Learn How to Hear God’s Voice, Even When You Are Sleeping On average, people spend 33% of their entire lives sleeping.Even when you are asleep, Heaven is still communicating.Your...


Description: Prepare for the ultimate assignment… Have you ever wondered: If God’s Presence is inside of me, how does that impact my life? If Jesus is my model, can I...
