All Books and ecourses

Showing 1 to 5 of 5 items

Description: It’s time to engage in spiritual battle - and win! When it comes to spiritual warfare, many Christians have thrown in the towel after repeated defeat. But take heart!...


Description: Defeat the powers of sickness by prophesying words of healing Many Christians believe that in order to receive a miracle, they must have a healing minister pray for them....


Description: Strengthen your faith, receive your miracle! Miracle-testimonies are more than just accounts of past events; they are invitations to a fresh experience of God’s supernatural power! Respected pastor and...


Description: The secret to a lifestyle of miracles, signs and wonders! Do you feel that the “supernatural” is a special anointing for a select few—pastors, leaders, prophets?  Do you wish...


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Description: Position Yourself Under an Open Heaven! Overflowing with the Holy Spirit and walking in the supernatural is the destiny of every child of God.  How do you position yourself to...


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