All Books and ecourses

Showing 1 to 36 of 52 items

Description: Let the Spirit live inside you! Are you hungry for an encounter with Jesus? Do you want to make an impact on the world? In this power-packed book, Bill...


Description: THE SUPERNATURAL POWER OF A TRANSFORMED MIND! You can live a supernatural life. In fact, moving in the spiritual realm should be as routine as prayer, worship and reading...


Description: An Environment That Sustains Life, Hope, Honor and Destiny! In this powerful, revelation-packed book, Danny Silk describes the significant paradigm shift in church life, government, and relationships that has...


Description: Arm Yourself With the Supernatural GIFTS OF GOD Never again will you feel bored, powerless, or overwhelmed by the world around you-living supernaturally is an eternal gift from God....


Description: Combining the most inspiring of three best-selling books, this 365-day guide to prayer and miracles feed you daily manna from Heaven. Your spirit will be enlightened and your soul...


Description: Enjoy a cup of inspiration! Take a big swallow of spiritual java to start your day, and your spirit will be energized to meet and conquer the world on...


Description: It's time to be strong and of good courage. Today's believer is faced with situations unknown fifty, thirty, even twenty years ago. To stand in victory and enter our...


Description: Here is a fresh look at the age-old role of parenting. Loving Our Kids on Purpose brings the principles of the Kingdom of God and revival into our strategy...


Description: Prepare for the ultimate assignment… Have you ever wondered: If God’s Presence is inside of me, how does that impact my life? If Jesus is my model, can I...


Description: Prepare for the ultimate assignment… Have you ever wondered: If God’s Presence is inside of me, how does that impact my life? If Jesus is my model, can I...


Description: Your Key to Unlocking a Supernatural Lifestyle. Many Christians believe in miracles, but they are not accessing the supernatural as a normal way of life. Is this you? Are you...


Description: THE SUPERNATURAL POWER OF A TRANSFORMED MIND! You can live a supernatural life. In fact, moving in the spiritual realm should be as routine as prayer, worship and reading...


Description: There is no junior Holy Spirit!You have a supernatural assignment in God’s Kingdom!Set the standard for a new normal! …the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead...


Description: Your Daily Access to Heaven’s Wisdom, Creativity, Purpose, and Power When people are in love they dream together. The same is true for your relationship with God. He wants...


Description: You are part of the Kings Royal Family This training manual will take you on a systematic journey into your God given destiny. You will dispel the pauper mindset,...


Description: Here is a fresh look at the age-old role of parenting. Loving Our Kids on Purpose brings the principles of the Kingdom of God and revival into our strategy...


Description: One Day at a Time to a Healthier You—Body,Soul and Spirit! What is the secret to revolutionizing your lifestyle and walking in Heaven’s supernatural wholeness? It’s simple: taking your journey one day at a time! When Beni Johnson...


Description: You Were Made for This! From the remote corners of the jungle to the world’s largest cities, the Spirit of God is powerfully at work within the hearts of...


Description: It’s time to be strong and of good courage. Today’s believer is faced with situations unknown fifty, thirty, even twenty years ago. To stand in victory and enter your...


Description: Forget about redesigning your living room or adding "curb appeal"-how about redesigning the world! Author Bill Johnson reveals the secrets of using God's unlimited supply of everything to transform...


Description: A Step-by-Step Guide to Operating in the Gift of Prophecy The gift of prophecy is not reserved for a super-spiritual, elite group of believers. In fact, the scriptures promise...


Description: Can Kids Bring Heaven to Earth? Yes! You can bring Heaven to earth by using the talents and gifts that God gave only to you. Your heavenly Father wants...


Description: Smile! Be joyful! Not your mother's devotional. This devotional is jammed full of fun, happiness, and joy brimming over with serious cheerfulness to Gods glory. Based on the best-loved...


Description: God is better than we it’s time to change the way we think about Him. “God is good.” More than a positive thought, theological concept or Biblical statement—what...


Just One Encounter Will Redefine and Redirect Your Life Do you find yourself longing for a word or touch from God? For a moment of clarity in His presence? Do...


Description: (10 Happy Intercessor, 10 Joy of Intercession book, 1 Joy of Intercession DVD study, and 10 Joy of Intercession study guide) Smile! Be joyful!   Not your mother's devotional....


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Description: (10 Happy Intercessor, 10 Joy of Intercession book, 1 Joy of Intercession DVD study, and 10 Joy of Intercession study guide) Smile! Be joyful!   Not your mother's devotional....


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Description: (1 Happy Intercessor, 1 Joy of Intercession book, 1 Joy of Intercession DVD study, and 1 Joy of Intercession study guide) Smile! Be joyful! Not your mother's devotional. This...


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Description: Prepare for the ultimate assignment… Have you ever wondered:  If God’s Presence is inside of me, how does that impact my life? If Jesus is my model, can I...


Description: Begin Your Journey to Spirit-Soul-Body Health Today...Beni Johnson received a life-changing revelation about how anyone can start walking in holistic health—including you! Jesus died for your spirit, soul, and...


Description: Begin Your Journey to Spirit-Soul-Body Health Today...Beni Johnson received a life-changing revelation about how anyone can start walking in holistic health—including you! Jesus died for your spirit, soul, and...


Description: Transformed Mind Curriculum  Your Key to Unlocking a Supernatural Lifestyle  Many Christians believe in miracles, but they are not accessing the supernatural as a normal way of life.Is this you?...


Description: A Step-By-Step Guide To Operating In The Gift Of Prophecy The gift of prophecy is not reserved for a super-spiritual, elite group of Believers. In fact, the scriptures promise...


Description: A Step-By-Step Guide To Operating In The Gift Of Prophecy The gift of prophecy is not reserved for a super-spiritual, elite group of Believers. In fact, the scriptures promise...


What does it mean to be “seated with Christ in heavenly places?” Many Christians are familiar with this Biblical language, but does it have practical, everyday meaning? Is it possible...


Description: God is better than we think so it s time to change the way we think about Him. "God is Good." More than a positive thought, theological concept, or Biblical...
