Harrison House Books

Showing 1 to 36 of 41 items

What Really Happened During Jesus’ Last Hours Before the Cross? Many have heard the story before — that Christ died, was buried, and rose again — but what about the...


Unveiling Your God-Given Purpose, Passion, and Persistence Are you yearning for clarity in your divine purpose? Do you sense there's more to your life but struggle to find the path?...


If you long to dive deep into your personal study of the Bible, but feel you lack the tools to study it like a seminary student or scholar, this book...


Unlock the World's Greatest Mysteries within the Scriptures Is it possible the Holy Bible holds answers to mysteries and questions that civilizations have wondered about for centuries? Could it be...


WORK IN A DIVINE PARTNERSHIP WITH GOD TO UNLEASH POWER IN YOUR PRAYERS Are you longing for a deeper, more effective prayer life? Do you want to pray with more...


Do You Have Questions About the WorldBefore the Flood? Does the Bible Really Explainthe 'Unexplainable'? Are we really living "in the days of Noah" as some prophets have said?How are...


Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could have a living encounter with God any time you wanted? You can! In fact, that’s God’s plan for you. He never meant for...


Know Jesus Intimately and Live In His Abundant Freedom Are you yearning for an intimate encounter with Jesus, to embrace the fullness of the life He promised? Do you long...


Almost Everything You Want To Know From Rick Renner on Subjects From A to Z! Has your mind ever buzzed with questions about the Bible that you couldn't find answers...


"...And He Will Give You Another Helper…"John 14:16 AMP When faced with life's difficulties, do you long for a personal coach to guide you? Do you feel inadequate, even powerless...


What Are Apostles and Prophetsand What Is Their Critical Role in an End-Times Church? These ministry gifts did not pass away with the last of Jesus’ disciples. Christ gave them to the Church...


There's More to This StoryThan You've Been Told Is there more about the story of Christmas you wish you understood or that you have specific questions about? In this storybook...


Description: A teacher nicknamed him Stupid for an entire school year…job-placement counselors told him to steer clear of college due to his academic ineptitude…friends shied away from him because of his love...


Description:  Unlock the Explosive Potential of Seeing Your Own Life Transformed! In Sparkling Gems From the Greek, Volume 2 Rick Renner offers a masterful blend of poignant personal memories, intriguing...


Description:  Unlock a Cache of Enduring Riches In Sparkling Gems From the Greek. Rick Renner unlocks an amazing cache of rich, enduring treasures mined from deep within the Word to...


Description: In Life in the Combat Zone, Rick Renner teaches you what it takes to fight effectively and come out with the victory, no matter what type of spiritual conflict...


Description:  Most Christians live and die, never knowing the fellowship and companionship of the Holy Spirit. They have heard about the Holy Spirit and may even know doctrinal answers regarding...


Description:  Rick Renner's book Dressed To Kill is considered by many to be a true classic on the subject of scriptural warfare. The original version, which sold more than 400,000...


Description:  "The whole armor of God" that worked so effectively for these early believers is the very same set of spiritual armor worn by the Church of Jesus Christ today....


Description: Living a Christian life can be difficult with increased pressures from the enemy through relationship, finances, physical well-being, and mental strongholds-the challenges of living in a fallen world. You...


Description:  In this book, author Rick Renner presents how to live a life free from offense. Sharing from the Scriptures and his personal experience, Rick explains that forgiveness isn't a...


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Description: Redemption Had a Price. When you understand the price Love paid, you'll recognize the value of every person God made. The enormous price Christ paid in full for our...


Description:  Most people associate repentance with displays of emotion that signal regret. But the emotional responses of remorse, guilt, or regret are insufficient to produce behavioral change. In fact, those...


Description:  Doubt, fear, and time can claw away at your confidence, stealing the dream God placed in your heart. Unexpected obstacles, with about-face twists and turns, can bump you so...


Description:  Do you have a dream so big it seems impossible, yet it consumes your thoughts? Have you considered that God has planted His thoughts deep inside your spirit and...


Description: Regardless of your gender or your nationality, that thought has probably crossed your mind. And, most likely, it has crossed your mind more than once. This longing for significance...


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Description: Yield to God's High-Level Love in You! The love of God is the greatest force in all creation. It eradicates fear and fuels faith. And love isn't just a...


Description: Adventure beyond anything you've ever imagined awaits you! You've reached a crossroads in your life, and you know it. If you're ever going to step out and obey what...


Description: A Light in Darkness Seven Messages to the Seven Churches Volume 1 -- Patmos, Ephesus, and Smyrna Volume 1, explores the people and cultures of the First Century Church,...


Description: Adventure beyond anything you've ever imagined awaits you! You've reached a crossroads in your life, and you know it. If you're ever going to step out and obey what...


Description:  Have you ever appointed an individual to a key position in your church or ministry, only to realize later on that you made a poor choice? Or perhaps you...


Description: Something New Is Coming —Watch for the SignsSigns. They are important in almost everything we do. Nearly everywhere we go, there are signs in our lives that serve to...


Description: Are You Ready for a Life Filled With Adventure? A Faith-Filled adventure awaits you as you step out to do what Gid is beckoning you to do. It may...


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Description: Are You Ready for a Life Filled With Adventure? A Faith-Filled adventure awaits you as you step out to do what Gid is beckoning you to do. It may...


Description: We are living in a day when countless multitudes have lost their way both morally and spiritually. Like a ship without anchor, this last day's generation is being tossed to...


Description: You Can Fulfill the Plan of God for Your Life   God has an amazing plan for your life! Do you know God’s awesome plan that He has designed...
