Harrison House Books

Showing 1 to 36 of 90 items

Is it really God's will for you to be healed? As a born-again believer, you've got to be sure. One day your life may depend on it. Let Gloria Copeland...


Description: Prosperity, grace, righteousness, honor, faith, covenant. You?ll find Kenneth Copeland?s personal study notes on all these topics in the Kenneth Copeland Reference Edition Bible! Choose black or burgundy top-grain...


Description:  In this book, Kenneth Copeland shares on a one-to-one basis the steps you are to follow in joining God's family. He shows what God's Word says about receiving salvation,...


Description: This leather-look softcover edition features over 170 pages of Brother Copeland's personal notes.


Description:  The infilling of the New Testament believers with the Holy Ghost should be our pattern today. I propose that we look at the Acts of the Apostles, see how...


Description:  This devotional book contains a daily spiritual diet with verses of Scripture, bite-sized teachings, and personal confessions to feed the believer's faith every day of the year.


Description: "A few of us have barely gotten to the edge of that authority, but before Jesus comes again, there's going to be a whole company of believers who will...


Description: Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature (i.e. creation): old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17.


Description: Words have played a vital role since the beginning of time. In the book of Genesis, God created the world and everything in it with His words. Today, as...


Description: Step by step guidance through the Scriptures to steer Christians away from spiritual pitfalls and help them to follow the Spirit of God in every area of life. The...


Description: Get on the same page with Kenneth Copeland. Glean from the revelation and insights Kenneth Copeland has discovered and written down in this Personal Notes Edition New Testament. This...


Description: There are instructions set forth in the Word of God to teach men how to live a prosperous life. True prosperity is the ability to apply the power of...


Description:  Defeat your doubts and receive your healing by allowing the healing power of God's Word to flow through you. Listen as Kenneth Copeland recites anointed healing scriptures, shares wisdom...


Description:  Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin's newest book, The Triumphant Church: Dominion Over All the Powers of Darkness is a comprehensive biblical study on the subject of demonology. Rev. Hagin builds...


Description: God wants to bless you. He has made all of heaven's supply available to you. But the blessings of God are not automatic. You have a part to play....


Description: A wrong confession is a confession of defeat, of failure and of the supremacy of Satan. They are always talking about what a time they're having with the devil--what a...


 Description: These classic Bible Study Courses by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin have been reedited to include chapter review questions to further enhance your study of God's Word. These teachings on...


Description: Prosperity, grace, righteousness, honor, faith, covenant. You?ll find Kenneth Copeland?s personal study notes on all these topics in the Kenneth Copeland Reference Edition Bible! Choose blue, black or burgundy...


Description: THE BLESSING of The LORD is God s original plan for you. Contrary to popular belief, He doesn t want you sick, broke and lonely. He wants to make...


Description: From the author of The Believer's Authority: Legacy Edition and How You Can Be Led by the Spirit of God: Legacy Edition comes the third release in this life-changing...


Description: The chapters in this important handbook on the lost art of prayer cover such subjects as: praying for your nation, interceding for the lost, praying for de-liverance, groanings in...


Description: "A few of us have barely gotten to the edge of that authority, but before Jesus comes again, there's going to be a whole company of believers who will...


Description:  What are those provisions? What are our rights? What actually belongs to us when it comes to physical healing and health? How can we ascertain exactly what was secured...


Description: Are you desiring to develop a deeper prayer life? God created you to have a relationship with Him. Fellowshipping with God on a personal level gives birth to a...


Description: There is no set way by which people may receive healing. And in this new study guide, you will discover various methods for receiving healing which are recorded in...


Description: The marriage union is the closest relationship that can exist between two human beings. When a man and woman decide to join together in marriage, they should do so...


Description:  The ministry of Kenneth E. Hagin has spanned more than 50 years since God miraculously healed him of a deformed heart and incurable blood disease at the age of...


Description:  This dynamic study guide gives convincing scriptural proof that it is God's will to heal!


Description:  "In my study of the Word of God, I discovered something very important about honor. Honor carries and is supported by the supernatural power of God." An honorable man...


Description: Like it or not, this is a word-created, word-controlled universe. God established it that way from the very beginning, calling "things which be not as though they were" (Romans...


Description:  Have you ever wondered, If i'm more than a conqueror, then why can't I quit smoking? Why can't I stop overeating? Why am I living in defeat? If you're...


Description:  No one in their right mind would willingly turn a rattlesnake loose in their home! Yet people everywhere are doing it right now. They're throwing open the doors of...


Description:  God is calling us to a deeper walk - a higher place - in Him. A place where miracles are the norm and the supernatural is a natural part...


Description:  How to Be Healed What to Do When Symptoms Return Why Faith is Important How to Resist the Devil.


Description: These classic Bible Study Courses by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin have been reedited to include chapter review questions to further enhance your study of God's Word. These teachings on...


Description: These classic Bible Study Courses by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin have been reedited to include chapter review questions to further enhance your study of God's Word. These teachings on...
