Harrison House Books

Showing 1 to 18 of 18 items

Jesus: Who He is, What He Did, and Why it Matters. Who is Jesus? Why is his crucifixion such a big deal to Christians? And what difference does any of...


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Description: ABOUT THIS BOOK…Getting a Grip on the Basics of Prayer is a practical, comprehensive, easy-to-follow Bible study designed to help Christians pray effectively. If you’ve never been taught prayer basics,...


Description:  When a child is born, doctors and family encourage the new parents to provide three elements essential to the survival of the newborn: love, nourishment and protections. These same...


Description: ARE YOU READY TO TAP INTO GOD'S POWER FOR A COURAGEOUS, CONFIDENT AND BRAVE LIFE? In today's changing world where terror, phobias and high anxiety want to keep us...


Description:  If you feel overloaded and stressed out, this book is for you. God wants to enlarge our capacity to handle the stress of daily living while giving us peace...


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Description: If you've ever been dissed, overlooked, let go, snubbed, ignored or invisible, you have felt the pain of rejection. We've all been there, but God does not want us...


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Description: Are you looking for balance, a good marriage, godly kids and purpose in life? The Proverbs 31 woman found the satisfied life through her relationship with the Lord! In...


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Description:  Who Knew the Spirit Empowered Life Could Be So Fun? Are you ready for an enjoyable, line-upon-line, fun, and practical study in God's Word? Are you thirsty to learn...


Description:  Got the blues? Bummed out? In the dumps? Feel isolated, overlooked, rejected? Does your situation feel hopeless? Want to run away? While your friends are reaching higher toward their...


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Description: WANT TO IMPROVE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS? LOOKING FOR WAYS TO EXPERIENCE GOD-KNIT FRIENDSHIPS? In today's busy world there's nothing like a good friend, a God-knit friendship. How can we establish...


Description: Make small changes and get BIG results! Full of powerful encouragement and amazing ideas for women, this little book will inspire you to find satisfaction in all the right...


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Description:  Another Book on Money? Yes! Who Knew Living in God's Economy Could be so Fun? Are you ready for an enjoyable, line-upon-line Bible study on the subject of wealth...


Description: Have you wondered where you fit in God’s plan? How do you find your place of service in God’s kingdom? What gifts or talents has God given you for...


Description: God created mankind without sickness or disease. When man sinned, sickness and death entered the world. Throughout the Scriptures, God refers to sickness as a curse and health as...


Description: God loves students! In this Bible study for teens, young people will discover that God has an amazing plan for students of all ages. He’s looking for young people...


Description: God loves kids! Join us as we take a journey through the Bible to discover that God wants to know and be known by kids! God is looking for...


Description: Getting a Grip On the Basics of Generous Living is a powerful and comprehensive study guide designed for either individual or group use. This workbook will help to lead...


Description: If you’re ready for a fun, practical, step-by-step study to help you experience the Holy Spirit, this book is for you!   Whether you’re a fledgling Christian, seeking to...
