Harrison House Books

Showing 1 to 36 of 39 items

Is it really God's will for you to be healed? As a born-again believer, you've got to be sure. One day your life may depend on it. Let Gloria Copeland...


Description:  Speaking healing scriptures over yourself is the key to staying healed and whole. In this CD and accompanying booklet, Gloria Copeland leads you through portions of God's Word that...


Description:  There is a medicine so powerful it can cure every sickness and disease known to man. It has no dangerous side effects. It's even safe in massive doses. Sound...


Description:  Speaking right words—God's Word—consistently, brings the power of God onto the scene of your life to save, heal and deliver. Kenneth and Gloria Copeland heard and received that revelation...


Description:  You can have the protection of the strongest defense in the world. In an ever-changing world, the constant protection God promises in the 91st Psalm will cover you in...


Description: A war is raging within you. You're a born-again believer, but your flesh is fighting to regain control. You can win that war! God has placed within you The...


Description:  Feeling like a spiritual wimp? Life's challenges got you down? Thinking about giving up? It's time for a spiritual checkup! Everyone faces challenges, but when you're equipped with the...


Description:  Are you one of the many believers who has been taught that the infilling of the Holy Spirit was for a select few on the Day of Pentecost? Or...


Description:  What changes would you need to make for His will to be fulfilled in you? What would it take for you to be healthy whole, undamaged, and intact in...


Description:  Take the God Is My Source challenge! Many people are faced with overwhelming financial challenges. When they compare their paycheck to their needs, they wonder... How are we going...


Description: The ministry of Jesus on earth revealed to men the expressed will of God in action. By His examples and teaching, man discovered that God s will was to...


Description: No Singe. No Scorch. No Smoke. Everyone goes through fire from time to time when something in our lives gets heated up and seems determined to burn us up!...


Description: It is the responsibility of the Church to manifest the kingdom of God in this natural realm. It's our job to exercise the dominion of that kingdom, and demonstrate...


Description:  You can walk in constant victory and beat the devil every time. How? By developing The Unbeatable Spirit of Faith! In this encouraging book, Gloria Copeland shows you how...


Description: You would never assume you have more in your bank account than what you put into it, right? So, why do so many people try to withdraw faith from...


Description:  The Jesus you've read about in the Bible, is the same Jesus who is alive and well today. He has never changed His purpose of helping people. In the...


Description:  Discover the strength to push through to victory. The only way the enemy can defeat you in any area of your life is if you give up. So how...


Description:  Protection...you could hire a hundred natural men for your security, but they would be limited by natural things. Not so with angels. From Old Testament times until today, angels...


Description: Some people think life's a gamble. You win some, you lose some. But God's dream is for you to have much more than that. His plan is for you...


Description: Take a Double Dose of God's Medicine. What's better than receiving healing from the Lord in times of sickness? Living healed all the time! Gloria Copeland has been living...


Description: The foundation is the most important part of any building. If it isn't stable, the entire structure is sure to fall. It's the same in the spirit realm. God...


Description:  Imagine what it would be like to live healthy and whole all the time. No colds, no flu, no allergies. No heart disease, no mental illness, no cancer. God...


Description:  Prosperity is more than financial blessings. It includes healing, protection, favor, wisdom, success, well-being and every good thing you could possibly need all the good things Jesus desires for...


Description:  There is nothing higher than God and His Word and the revelation that comes from meditating on His promises. In this book by Gloria Copeland, you'll learn that any...


Description: Perhaps you have wandered off the path of living a holy life and feel like you are trapped. There is hope for you. God wants you to be free....


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Description: God has blessings in His hand, and He is longing to pass them to us. So what is He waiting for? Using an analogy from the sports world, Gloria...


Description:  Don't wait until an emergency comes. Don't wait until your body is weak and sick to start feeding on healing scriptures. Live in divine health every day! In this...


Description:  Like it or not, you are in a battle, "not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against...


Description:  Everything you have been called to do in this life is impossible for you to do alone. But take heart. You were born again to accomplish hard things impossible...


Description:  Persecution is simply part of the devil's plan to keep you from fulfilling God's will for your life. The Apostle Paul told Timothy that all who live a godly...


Description:  Does it seem like the world is full of shortages? Shortages of time, money, and health seem to abound all around us. However Jesus assured us that, as believers,...


Description: The prophets of God are telling us we are about to see the greatest outpouring this earth has ever known. But is we want to be a part of...


Description:  Ever feel pressured? Ever feel that is a miracle doesn't happen soon, you might as well give up standing in faith? If you're a child of God, surely you've...


Description:  No espere hasta que una emergencia llegue a su vida. No espere hasta que su cuerpo este débil y enfermo para empezar a alimentarse con las escrituras de sanidad....


Description: There's a faith race every believer is destined to win. When you're determined to go the distance and run a steady race with faith and patience, you'll be able...


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Description: Algunas personas piensas que la vida es un juego. Algunas veces se gana, y, otras, se pierde. Pero el sueno de Dios para usted es disfrute mucho mas que...
