Harrison House Publishers
Description: The controversial subject of the spiritual authority of the believer in Christ is widely discussed in the church today. Now, Andrew Wommack, host of the #1 fastest growing ministry...
Description: After nearly four decades of ministry, Andrew Wommack has discovered some important truths about prayer. His prayer life is much different than it was thirty years ago and the...
The book of Proverbs was written for two groups of people: those who know they need wisdom and those who don't. Whichever category you fall into, the road map to...
Description: Never underestimate your imagination! It’s not just a product of childhood fantasies. Imagination is a God-given dynamo that opens the doorway to your potential! Many people don’t recognize the purpose,...
Description: Have you ever asked yourself what changed when you were "born again?" You look in the mirror and see the same reflection - your body hasn't changed. You find...
Description: God has more for us than what we are experiencing. We have all limited God in our lives at some point in one way or another. Fear of success,...
Description: Have you ever thought, I'm doing everything I know to do, what's wrong with me? What's it going to take to get God to move on my behalf? If...
Description: Popular Bible teacher and host of the Gospel Truth broadcast, Andrew Wommack takes on one of the biggest controversies of the church, the freedom of God's grace verses the...
Description: Health is something everyone wants. Billions of dollars are spent each year trying to retain or restore health. It is a basic desire of all mankind. Anyone who likes...
Here’s the Power to Live Your Christian Life!The last thing Jesus said before He left this earth was that it was better for Him to go so the Holy Spirit could come. Why...
Description: Best-selling author Andrew Wommack shares his personal story of when he was young and strapped financially. God taught him how to have abundance in the area of finances. Andrew...
Description: The Gospel as You’ve Never Seen It Before!“If Romans isn’t one of your favorite books, then youdo not have a revelation of the true Gospel!”Andrew Wommack Nowhere besides the book...
Description: Popular television host and minister, Andrew Wommack shares sixteen of his best teachings in this powerful new book. Teachings include sections from some of his most popular titles: Better...
Description: Have you ever wondered what you were created to do? You may think you have an idea, but aren't positive that you are fulfilling the purpose for which God...
Description: Emotions Are: Meant For Enjoyment Created To Be Good To Be Controlled By Each Individual Off the top of your head, you could probably think of times when you've...
Description: Do you feel as if your Christian life is full of highs and lows? Perhaps you attend a special church service that draws you close to God or even...
Description: Difficult situations have a way of revealing the heart. Extreme financial pressure, a broken family relationship, or the death of a loved one may be a crisis to one...
Description: If you re honest, you'll admit you want to be promoted in life. You want the benefits of success, influence, and prosperity, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's...
Are you troubled by what's going on in the world? Is there anything Christians can do to respond? There is already aGreat Awakening underway in America, and you can be...
Description: Divine health and prosperity are better than divine healing and provision. If you live in divine health and prosperity, you won't need a miracle to get healed or to...
Description: The Crisis: People who are in rebellion are not the only ones with hard hearts. The dictionary defines hard when it applies to matters of the heart as being...
Description: Learning through experience definitely makes an impression, but isn't it better sometimes to learn from the successes and failures of others? Scripture tells us that those who came before...
Description: The New You It's important to understand what happened when you received Jesus as your Savior. That knowledge and understanding will keep the Word that was sown in your...
Description: Full of life-changing encouragement, this 365-day devotional will encourage you to live in victory regardless of circumstances or ability by opening your heart to receive God's amazing grace and...
Description: When you experience the amazing release of praise from the most hidden recesses of your spirit, it not only benefits and heals your soul at the moment; it exponentially...
Description: There have been many wars throughout history and more yet to come. But the most important war is over and most don't even know it. Many have not yet...
Description: Is your conscience condemning you? What is it exactly? And does it help or hurt you? In Who Told You That You Were Naked? Andrew Wommack answers these questions...
Description: The Word of God is like a seed and your heart is the soil. Most Christians want change in some area of their lives. They try and try to...
Description: Everything in your Christian life is built on the way you view God’s Word. It shapes your relationship with God. It influences your faith. It determines what you will...
Description: "I've tried to be the perfect person God expects me to be, but I just can't, I give up." "I know God loves me, but it seems like He...
Learn to live beyond your natural limitations Are you yearning for a life of true significance? Are doubts about your qualifications holding you back? Javan Smith, Bible teacher and international...
Break Free from Religion and Live by Faith! "A proper understanding of our New Covenant as explained in Hebrews is essential to a victorious Christian life." ― Andrew Wommack The...
Pursue God's Dreams for Your Life Have you ever dreamed of your future but wonder how to make those dreams a reality? Are you seeking God’s plan for your life...
Description: It wasn't just fate or luck that Peter walked on the water while the other apostles stayed in the boat, but why do some people walk in miracles and...
Description: EL CONTROVERSIAL TEMA de la autoridad del creyente en Cristo se discute extensamente en la iglesia hoy. Andrew Wommack, maestro de la Biblia reconocido internacionalmente nos trae una nueva...
Description: God’s path to success is upside-down. All of the Bible’s greatest heroes share one common trait: humility. In God’s eyes, humility qualifies a person for increased favor and grace. In More Grace,...