Harrison House Publishers

Showing 37 to 41 of 41 items

Description:  Have you ever stepped out in faith only to later feel that you have failed? If you are like most Christians, at some point in your life, you have...


Description:  Measure the amount of the Word of God within you; that is the measure of your faith! When the Word of God gets inside you, it creates an image...


Description:  These short prayers are designed to help young adults face everyday issues with confidence and power as they are introduced to new thoughts and ideas in college.


Description:  Take God to Work With You! Finally a tool to help you walk in God's grace throughout the day! Designed specifically for both employees and employers, "Prayers That Avail...


Description: Kicking Over Sacred Cows--Rightly dividing God's Word brings refreshing truth and balance into the believer's life. God's Word brings life. Some believers have created sacred cow beliefs that actually...
