Harrison House Publishers

Showing 73 to 105 of 105 items

Description:  Imagine what it would be like to live healthy and whole all the time. No colds, no flu, no allergies. No heart disease, no mental illness, no cancer. God...


Description:  There is nothing higher than God and His Word and the revelation that comes from meditating on His promises. In this book by Gloria Copeland, you'll learn that any...


Description:  En este libro, Kenneth Copeland comparte personalmente los pasos a seguir para cormar parte de la familia de Dios. Él enseña, basado en la Palabra, cómo recibir la salvacion,...


Description:  What can you do when money is in short supply? Keep casting your bread upon the waters eventually it will return to you on every wave! Discover how to...


Description:  The Jesus you've read about in the Bible, is the same Jesus who is alive and well today. He has never changed His purpose of helping people. In the...


Description:  Don't wait until an emergency comes. Don't wait until your body is weak and sick to start feeding on healing scriptures. Live in divine health every day! In this...


Description:  Like it or not, you are in a battle, "not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against...


Description: Our spirits cry out for more of the same power Jesus had. We long to live lives that truly make a difference and help the world around us see...


Description: A child whose parents care for him, protect him and love him unconditionally, has no reason to fear. In the same way, God says to you in His Word:...


Description:  If there was ever a generation of people who needed to know how to enter God's protection and stay there, it's this generation. We face harm and harassment at...


Description: The prophets of God are telling us we are about to see the greatest outpouring this earth has ever known. But is we want to be a part of...


Description: Prosperity, grace, righteousness, honor, faith, covenant. You?ll find Kenneth Copeland?s personal study notes on all these topics in the Kenneth Copeland Reference Edition Bible! Choose black or burgundy top-grain...


Description: Las palabras han desempeñado un papel fundamental desde el inicio de los tiempos. Fue precisamente con palabras como Dios creó el mundo y todo lo que en él existe,...


Description:  You were created to be a winner. But you feel like a loser. What should you do? Discover for yourself what it takes to have The Winning Attitude.


Description:  Discover the strength to push through to victory. The only way the enemy can defeat you in any area of your life is if you give up. So how...


Description: The foundation is the most important part of any building. If it isn't stable, the entire structure is sure to fall. It's the same in the spirit realm. God...


Description: God has blessings in His hand, and He is longing to pass them to us. So what is He waiting for? Using an analogy from the sports world, Gloria...


Description:  Does it seem like the world is full of shortages? Shortages of time, money, and health seem to abound all around us. However Jesus assured us that, as believers,...


Description: There's a faith race every believer is destined to win. When you're determined to go the distance and run a steady race with faith and patience, you'll be able...


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Description:  Usted fue creado para ser un ganador. Sin embargo, todavía se siente como un perdedor. ¿Qué debería hacer? Descubra por sí mismo qué necesita para poseer La actitud triunfadora.


Description:  Prosperity is more than financial blessings. It includes healing, protection, favor, wisdom, success, well-being and every good thing you could possibly need all the good things Jesus desires for...


Description:  Quiero que Mi pueblo esté bien, ése es el clamor del corazón de Dios. Y Su deseo fue tan grande que decídió bendecirnos con un pacto una promesa de...


Description: What's your weakness? You know the one. The habit that slithers up behind you (after you've broken it 20 times) and whispers, Come on, just one more won't hurt,...


Description:  Persecution is simply part of the devil's plan to keep you from fulfilling God's will for your life. The Apostle Paul told Timothy that all who live a godly...


Description:  Una decisión de alta calidad requiere determinacion y disciplina. Desde el día en que una persona nance, le asedia una constante serie de opciones: Jesús o Satanás El bien...


Description:  Grace is truly one of the most amazing and life-transforming topics in the Bible. Tony Cooke takes the reader on a journey of not only understanding but also experiencing...


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Description: Are you aware that miracles are happening every day, at almost any time, everywhere on earth? God's isn't dead, no is He sitting back and watching events play out...


Description:  We are living in stressful times. Fear is at epidemic proportions. Depression is rampant. However, something inside of you longs for greatness. You were born to conquer and designed...


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Description:  This inspiring compilation of nearly 50 supernatural stories reveals God's miracle power in action today. Each story will move you in a fresh, new way to expect God's power...


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Description:  No espere hasta que una emergencia llegue a su vida. No espere hasta que su cuerpo este débil y enfermo para empezar a alimentarse con las escrituras de sanidad....


Description:  La tristeza ziene disfrazada de simple y "sana" emoción. Sin embargo, si se lo permitimos, nos consumirá poco a poco hasta secarnos, pues es engañosa, destructive, y la compañera...


Description: Algunas personas piensas que la vida es un juego. Algunas veces se gana, y, otras, se pierde. Pero el sueno de Dios para usted es disfrute mucho mas que...


Description: Es difícil creer que Jesús es la imagen misma de Dios. Sin embargo, pocos se dan cuenta de que el Señor ha establecido que ellos, como cristianos, deben ser...
