Destiny Image Publishers

Showing 1 to 11 of 11 items

Description: You hold in your hands a fresh and exciting way to enhance your personal life and enrich your spiritual journey. This expanded edition of Lady in Waiting includes: Original...


Description: You Are Worth Waiting For! In a world consumed with quick-fixes, superficial romances, and “hookup” relationships, maybe you’re asking— What’s the benefit to actually waiting for God’s best?Is there...


Description: (Contains 25 books, 1 DVD, and 25 Study Guides) You Are Worth Waiting For! In a world consumed with quick-fxes, superficial romances, and “hookup” relationships, maybe you’re asking— What’s the...


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Description: (Contains 10 books, 1 DVD, and 10 Study Guides) You Are Worth Waiting For! In a world consumed with quick-fixes, superficial romances, and “hookup” relationships, maybe you’re asking— What’s...


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Description: (Contains 1 book, 1 DVD, and 1 Study Guide) You Are Worth Waiting For! In a world consumed with quick-fixes, superficial romances, and “hookup” relationships, maybe you’re asking— What’s...


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Description: A novel dangerously close to evil and too close to reality... dabbling in things not of God. Maya is a young woman with extraordinary prospects who is drowning in intense discontent. In the midst of...


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Description: Just another book for singles? No! The Right Guy for the Right Girl emphasizes the state of your heart, not your marital status. It is not about finding the...


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Description: Believe it or not… Jesus is coming! David Jones received a vision that changed his life forever. It was as if someone gripped him by the arm and shook...


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Description: "Whoever or whatever controls your mind, controls you." The Battle for the Mind takes a serious look at the constant raging war in your mind between powerful opposing forces....


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Description: Everyone can relate to walking through very dark periods in life which seem will never end. Noel Jones is not speaking from a vantage point of one who has...


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Description: * Study guide is designed to accompany Lady in Waiting DVD series.* You Are Worth Waiting For! In a world consumed with quick-fixes, superficial romances, and “hookup” relationships, maybe...


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