Description: Destroy the devil’s works! As a former high-ranking satanic priest, John Ramirez is well-acquainted with the enemy’s strategies. Now, as a liberated follower of Jesus, Ramirez offers exclusive intelligence on...
Description: Discover Prayer as a Supernatural Portal to Spiritual Dimensions! Many believers’ prayers go unanswered because they never fully enter the spiritual realms that their prayers open up! Apostolic leader and author,...
Description: Do you ever wonder why you're not experiencing the freedom and abundant life promised in Scripture? Despite the freedom that Jesus purchased at the cross, many Christians still live in...
Description: The Armor of God: Your Key to Victory Right now, there is a real spiritual battle going on in the unseen realm. Every Christian must equip themselves against the forces...
Description: A Grim Diagnosis, Miraculously Reversed! At age 4, Londyn Giles was diagnosed with autism. Doctors said that she would never talk or function normally. But by the power of God,...