Description: Each born-again believer has something unique to offer the Body of Christ. The success of the Church depends on all of its parts. Everyone in the Local Church should...
Description: Experience the Victory, Peace, and Freedom that You Have Been Looking For! Jezebel is mentioned 22 times throughout the Bible. More than a sinister queen in the Old...
Description: You were transformed to transform your world! For too long, Christianity has been defined by a false concept of church. As a result, believers have built walls around their...
Description: An Environment That Sustains Life, Hope, Honor and Destiny! In this powerful, revelation-packed book, Danny Silk describes the significant paradigm shift in church life, government, and relationships that has...
Description: Your Invitation into a Lifestyle of Supernatural Power If all Christians receive the same Holy Spirit, why do some operate in greater levels of anointing than others—delivering powerful miracles...
Description: Every manufactured product was made to function within the context of specified guidelines and an ideal environment in order to achieve it's maximum performance. The presence of God is...
Description: THE ARMORBEARERS OF TODAY WILL BE THE LEADERS OF TOMORROW. Terry Nance, author of the best-selling book God's Armorbearer Volumes 1 and 2, reaffirms that the local church is...
Description: A Lifestyle of Evangelism You can make a difference for all of eternity by demonstrating God's love and power to the world, starting today. The best way to describe evangelism...
Description: Use Your Gifts to Bless Your Pastor and Church Family! This companion to God's Armorbearer Volume 3, Running with Your Pastor's Vision is a vital tool in the God's...
Description: There are more examples of personal prophecy in Scripture than any other biblical subject.Prophets and Personal Prophecy is not an abstract theological doctrinal statement but a practical, how-to guide...
Description: Author of the "Prophets" series, Dr. Bill Hamon brings the same anointed instruction in this new series on apostles! Learn about the apostolic age and how apostles and prophets...
Description: Tell your story to everyone and release the power of Jesus! …For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10). Telling others about the miracles in...
Description: YOU'RE A MEMBER OF GOD'S DREAM TEAM! Each born-again believer has something unique to offer to the Body of Christ. In fact, the very success of the church depends...
Description: The Supernatural Treasure Hunt The Ultimate Treasure Hunt leads believers into a supernatural lifestyle of Kingdom building. Author Kevin Dedmon captures the heart of witnessing and personal evangelism through...
Description: Get ready to Experience the Holy Spirit Like Never Before! If believers want to accomplish the Great Commission and see nations brought to Christ, it is absolutely essential that...
Description: You Were Created For This Moment in History! A new breed of revivalist is arising to answer the cry of God’s heart. These burning ones are calling cities and...
Description: Jesus modeled leadership by living and walking with His disciples, everyday people, and the religious leaders of His day.You can emulate His leadership style by changing the traditional hierarchical,...
Description: Living the God-Breathed Life is more about becoming rather than doing. It reflects a Jesus worldview that disdains religious zealotry and mere orthodoxy in spiritual experiences. Learning to be...
Description: God is better than we think so it s time to change the way we think about Him. "God is Good." More than a positive thought, theological concept, or Biblical...
Description: Experience True Liberation by Seeing Your Beauty, Femininity, and Freedom From Heaven’s Point of View Has Christianity kept women trapped in the stone age? In many ways, yes; but...
Description: Worship and praise play a crucial role in the local church. Whether you are a pastor, worship leader, musician, or lay person, you'll find rich and anointed teaching from...
Description: Your Church Can Influence the World History has shown that great leaders have the ability to reach beyond the walls of their churches to influence cultures for Christ. We’ve...
Description: The Secret to Unlocking God’s Favor, Power, and Visitation We hear about healings, miracles, dead-raisings and other breakthroughs happening in other parts of the world. Why not in our...
Description: Leaders like you are in high demand. The success of the CEO or senior pastor depends on people just like you.Churches and businesses are looking for people just like...
Description: The Reality of the Supernatural World teaches how Spirit-filled believers can take back what satan has perverted, allowing them to explore the supernatural realms that God wants them to experience. You...
Description: What is prophecy?Who is to prophesy?Is it right to seek prophecy? Since we have the Bible for guidance, do we really need prophecy today?How do the prophetic gifts and...
Description: SING UNTO HIM A NEW SONG!!...(psalm 33:3) Did you ever wish you had permission to change the way you "do church"? Well, now you have it. You have permission...
Description: The secret revealed! Are you ready to accept the power and use it for His glory? With our nation’s landscape littered with multimillion-dollar steeples piercing into God’s blue atmosphere...
Description: Jesus and the Book of Acts are the standard of Normal Christianity. Remember the fad a few years ago when people wore bracelets reminding them, What Would Jesus Do?...
Description: Live Victoriously Over The Most Deadly Spiritual Threat Of This Hour Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast...
There is a Church...not the one that man is building...but the one that Jesus Himself has been constructing in the hearts and lives of believers throughout the ages. It is...
Description: Release the Kingdom through Dance! You can experience God's presence and healing power through dance. Encountering God Through Dance equips believers to worship Jesus in wholehearted devotion--to express love...
Description: Dancing before the Lord is an integral part of praising God, says dancer and international speaker Aimee Kovacs. In Dancing Into the Anointing you'll learn about the prophetic dance...
Description: God has an army that will soon mobilize. Its weapons are not physical but spiritual, and this gathering will be the most powerful force on earth. This book is...
Description: Honor? In Today’s World? A one-of-a-kind book in both subject and perspective! The Practice of Honor is about reformation of honor—it is intended to disrupt your current model...
Description: Worship is more than music…it is your invitation to a divine encounter! When you worship, more is going on than meets the eye. You take your place among a...