DON’T KISS DATING GOODBYE! There is a much better way! Dr. Myles Munroe is an internationally acclaimed teacher and conference speaker with several best-selling books to his credit. In Waiting...
Description: HOW MANY OF US TRULY UNDERSTAND LOVE? Probably no other dimension of human experience has been pondered, discussed, debated, analyzed, and dreamed about more than the nature of true...
Description: In this expanded edition of his classic work, Dr. Myles Munroe reveals how worship, rather than mere routine "preliminaries," is the essential key to the presence of God. Worship...
Description: Discover How to Live as a Citizen of God’s Unshakable Kingdom! Are you ready to experience life on a new, supernatural level? Then it’s time to take your place...
Description: When governments collapse, human philosophies fail and your life is crashing down around you, Rediscovering the Kingdom will become your guide through the treacherous storms of the 21st century....
Description: You are greater than you realize.“There’s a wealth of potential in you. I know, because God has shown me the vast store He placed in me. My purpose is...
Description: Written by best-selling author and beloved pastor Myles Munore, Single, Married, Separated, & Life After Divorce, Expanded Edition brings meaningful understanding to various stages of relationships. Whether you are...
Description: You can thrive in crisis! For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples;but the Lord will arise upon you,and his glory will be seen...
Description: EXPLORING THE NATURE OF TRUE KINGDOMS "It is my conviction that nothing is more dangerous than a destructive ideology sustained and validated by a theology." Dr. Myles Munroe, in...
Have You Experienced the Power of Your Kingdom Citizenship? Are you thriving in life? As a child of the King, you are meant to flourish in the limitless blessing, favor,...
Description: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you”(Matthew 6:33). Applying the Kingdom provides important context to living an...
Description: Find your true purpose for existence! Discover the Creator s divine motivation, design, and mandate for His creation and your role in that creation. After reading this book, you...
Description: Every manufactured product was made to function within the context of specified guidelines and an ideal environment in order to achieve it's maximum performance. The presence of God is...
Description: Best-selling author Myles Munroe reveals in this book the key to personal fulfillment: purpose. We must pursue purpose because our fulfillment in life depends upon our becoming what we...
Description: Learning how to maximize your potential gives you the confidence to release the God-given gifts and talents trapped within you. You can make a difference in your world now!...
Description: Why are you here? Have you ever wondered why you are living here and now in this particular place and time in history? Not only is Myles Munroe a...
Description: In Single, Married, Separated and Life after Divorce Expanded Edition, Myles Munroe goes more in depth exploring the full range of human relationships. He demolishes the myths surrounding 'singleness'...
Description: Understanding Your Potential is a motivating, provocative look at the awesome potential trapped within you, waiting to be realized. This book will cause you to be uncomfortable with your...
It's Time to Unlock Your Potential and Discover Your Destiny! Do you long to make a difference with your life only to find yourself burned out by unfulfilling work? Have...
Description: Inspiration that Will Unlock Your Potentialand Release Your Destiny! You were made for greatness, not mediocrity. Every human being was formed in the image and likeness of the Creator—a God...
Description: What is true faith? In The Power of Kingdom Faith, Dr. Myles Munroe strips away the common errors and misconceptions surrounding faith to reveal the nature, character, and power...
Description: Break Through! There is more in you than you realize! Trapped inside of you waiting to be realized is an awesome potential. But you already know that because you...
Description: You can become your best! One step at a time, one moment at a time, and one day at a time. Myles Munroe keeps you focused on releasing your...
Description: Activate Your Buried Treasure and Ignite the Wheels of Productivity! Releasing Your Potential is a complete, integrated, principles-centered approach to release the awesome potential trapped within you. With penetrating...
Description: Kingdom Parenting provides answers to burning questions both teens and parents have in facing the unique challenges of being a parent or teen today. This book examines the changing...
Description: What is true faith? In Rediscovering Faith, Dr. Myles Munroe strips away the common errors and misconceptions surrounding faith to reveal the nature, character, and power of true faith,...
Description: Break Through! There is more in you than you realize! Trapped inside of you—waiting to be realized—is an awesome potential. But you already know that because you feel it...
Description: Releasing Your Potential is a complete, integrated, principles-centered approach to release the awesome potential trapped within you. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, this book reveals a step-by-step pathway...
Description: The current prolonged season of war and worldwide economic crisis has created countless personal crises. Unemployment, foreclosures, threats, and fears loom and Christians are not exempt. You can survive...
Description: Dr. Munroe surgically removes the religious rhetoric out of this most-oft-used word -- glory -- replacing it with words that will draw you into the powerful Presence of the...
Description: Knowing God's Design for Your Life Your life was meant to be an adventure! For many, searching for their life’s purpose is a frustrating and fruitless pursuit. But don’t...
Description: In Rediscovering the Kingdom, Myles Munroe challenges all Christians to examine their ideologies and concepts. This 40-day journal and study guide will guide you through this book of wonderful...
Description: The Essential Personal Guide! "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33). Applying the Kingdom 40-Day...
Description: Unemployment, economic meltdown, war . . . fears abound, and Christians aren't immune. Munroe assures you that you can survive these trying times! Encouraging you to obey God's command...
Description: Life on planet Earth can be very complex. Dr. Myles Munroe believes that complexity can be made into simplified principles and that wisdom is the application of these timeless...
Description: Simple wisdom, profound truth, helpful advice. Life on planet Earth can be very complex. Dr. Myles Munroe believes that complexity can be made into simplified principles and that wisdom is...