Destiny Image Publishers

Showing 1009 to 1044 of 1151 items

Description: Wisdom for Winners, A Millionaire Mindset by Jim Stovall  “An Official Publication of The Napoleon Hill Foundation”  On the heels of the New York Times bestseller The Ultimate Gift...


Description: *Study Guide is designed to accompany Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind DVD series. Your Key to Unlocking a Supernatural Lifestyle Many Christians believe in miracles, but they are...


Description: You hold in your hands a fresh and exciting way to enhance your personal life and enrich your spiritual journey. This expanded edition of Lady in Waiting includes: Original...


Description: “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29) No work of modern literature can usher you so powerfully and intimately into the...


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Description: As a young Jewish businessman, Sid Roth's goal was to be a millionaire before age 30. At age 29, he realized that was not going to happen. Sid left...


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Description: This book shows you how to recognize your hidden "root" problems, and detect and correct character flaws and "weed seed" attitudes. It also can teach you how to discern...


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Description: A Masterpiece in Narrative Ecclesiology Watch the New Testament come alive! Understand God's Word like never before! The New Testament is often hard to understand. A major reason is...


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Description: Pain does not need to rule your life anymore! Living Beyond Your Chronic Pain is your daily “go-to” guide on breaking free from your prison of chronic pain. Chronic...


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Description: How often have you cried out to God, Why? Why is justice perverted? Why don't people understand me? Why do the unjust prosper? The answer: Because you are anointed!...


Description: From the first "Christian" persecutions of the Jews in the fourth century to the horrors of the Holocaust, from Israel-bashing in today's press to anti-Semitism in today's pulpits, this...


Description: God has an army that will soon mobilize. Its weapons are not physical but spiritual, and this gathering will be the most powerful force on earth. This book is...


Description: Based on a biblical foundation and years of research, statistics, and powerful testimonials—including the author’s own dramatic story—George Malkmus’ The Hallelujah Diet has caused people from all walks of...


Description: Honor? In Today’s World? A one-of-a-kind book in both subject and perspective!   The Practice of Honor is about reformation of honor—it is intended to disrupt your current model...


Description: Daily gems to revolutionize your health!Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. (3 John 2)Are you caught...


Description: *Designed to accompany the Basic Training for the Prophetic Ministry DVD Study The gift of prophecy is not reserved for a super-spiritual, elite group of Christians. Scripture promised that...


Description: Be Equipped to Carry the Miraculous! Have you ever thought, I believe in healing. But the healing ministry is for—someone on a platform? Someone who is super spiritual? Someone...


Description: A Step-By-Step Guide To Operating In The Gift Of Prophecy The gift of prophecy is not reserved for a super-spiritual, elite group of Believers. In fact, the scriptures promise...


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Description: Take the voyage of a lifetime...for a lifetime! As the young, hard-nosed, newly-appointed captain of a commercial fishing boat, Jack Frost returned the first week as "Top Hook"--he had...


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Description: Jordan Rubin, one of America's most recognized and respected natural health experts, gives you the keys to revolutionizing your life in The Maker's Diet Revolution: Transformation Kit. You will:...


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Description: Worship is more than music…it is your invitation to a divine encounter! When you worship, more is going on than meets the eye. You take your place among a...


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Description: Start Living Abundantly in 40 Days! I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of. —Jesus    It’s time for you to...


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Description: In his latest release, Ultimate Hindsight, Jim Stovall packages a wealth of success tips and hindsight perspective from 100 leaders and superstars from all walks of life.   Containing...


Description: Rediscover Your True Identity, Fulfillment, and Purpose  We come to the world naked, and we depart naked. How about we live it naked, too? I want to stop pretending...


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Description: Unlock a Lifestyle of Hearing God’s Voice Ever felt like this: God, I’m listening… but I can’t hear You? The truth is, God is always talking; you simply need...


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Description: Guardian Angels? Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels (Hebrews 13:2)Saved by Angels reveals how the Lord reaches out to all...


Description: Empowered to Heal Where do sickness and disease come from, and what can we do about it? In this book, Becky Dvorak conveys a clear message from Scripture—human beings...


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Description:   It’s Time for the Planet and Its People to Heal Thyself   Whether you’re aware of it or not, you’ve been born into a system of degeneration that...


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Description: Understanding the Logic of Grace Self-effort and behavior modification that many Christians live under is a lie that has demoralized and defeated the church for centuries. A revelation of...


Description: Release Your Unstoppable Power fulfills and exceeds readers’ expectations. If his first book, The Unstoppable Power Within, is a blueprint for successful living, this one is the step-by-step manual....


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Description: So this is Heaven! These true stories are your unique, personal opportunities to enjoy a taste of Heaven from here on earth. Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations shares...


Description: Do you have enough money? Are you taking care of your family? Do you know what to do with the money you have? Are you rich? The truth about...


Description: NO BIO


Description: Are you ready for a lift, a breath of fresh air? Do you need to get back on your feet? Do you want to feel excited about God again...


Description: Be the Best Parent for Your ChildDirect your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.Proverbs 22:6, NLT  How you parent directly...


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Description: "Your Key to Experiencing a Life of Joy, Success, and Lasting Impact!  Bill High's message isn't just about being generous; it's about the very real process of becoming generous....


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Description: Activate the gift of prophecy, serve people, and fulfill your purpose today! The prophetic ministry was never meant to be hyper-spiritual, spooky, or off limits to everyday Christians.  You...


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