Destiny Image Publishers

Showing 145 to 180 of 1126 items

Description: Every Christian must read this shocking account of the Church’s history. The pages of church history are marked by countless horrors committed against the Jewish people. From the first...


Description: Stop the Pain the Six to Fix Millions of people suffer from debilitating pain and inflammation each and every day. Most treatments focus on relieving or managing the pain...


Description: Your Daily Guide to Entering the Courts of HeavenBecause of Jesus’ sacrifice, every Christian can enter Heaven’s courtroom to present their requests directly to the Supreme Judge of all!Bestselling...


Description: Strap on your rocket boots and step into the exciting, quirky, and always hilarious universe of Captain Zepto! In this first issue of The Galactic Quests of Captain Zepto,...


Description: Experience deeper and greater realms of God’s power than you ever knew were possible!Are you living a powerful life? Do you long for miracles, healings, and prophecy to be...


Description: Do You Have Cursed Objects in Your Home? Many people unwittingly own objects that are gateways for evil. These everyday “cursed objects” can open the doors for demons to wreak...


Pray, Prophesy, and Proclaim God's Promises Over Your Prodigal In an age gripped by deception, countless souls―including our children, spouses, and friends―are drifting away from God. It can feel like...


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101 Powerful Prayers Are your days filled with stress or worry, with no end in sight? Do challenging circumstances or painful obstacles keep you from experiencing the abundant life you...




The world has been in a wilderness season, racked by crisis and chaos. This time of shaking is an opportunity for all Christians to forsake old ways of religion and...


Ignite your prayers with the Fire of Pentecost! From the Upper Room in Jerusalem to this very hour, the rushing river of the Holy Spirit has been flowing since Pentecost....


Strap on your rocket boots and step into the next exciting, quirky, and always hilarious universe of Captain Zepto and other members of the Light Brigade. Blast into a thrilling...


It’s Time to Claim Those Promises of God and Prophecies Over Your Life! Jesus came so that we can live life in abundance, but many feel stuck, waiting for that abundant...


Description: Operating in the Courts of Heaven has become an international bestseller that has supernaturally transformed lives all over the world. It’s not another prayer strategy; it’s a blueprint for engaging...


Description: Wild Ones, Arise! There is a move of God that is stirring and a remnant has heard the call—Wild, radical lovers of Jesus that have been hidden for far too...


Description: Defeat the powers of sickness by prophesying words of healing Many Christians believe that in order to receive a miracle, they must have a healing minister pray for them....


Description: ARISE and PROPHESY! Are Christians personally walking in the supernatural power and releasing the societal Kingdom transformation that Jesus made available? From everything we see around us, we know there must be more! The last...


Description: A Journey to Inner Healing Through the Book of Job Within the ancient book of Job there are keys to inner healing. The enemy often uses seasons of suffering...


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Description: 90 Days to Victorious Spiritual Warfare Every day, whether we realize it or not, we enter a spiritual battlefield.  There are forces around us that need to be discerned...


Description: Every follower of Jesus, who is filled with the Holy Spirit, has the ability to both receive and interpret dreams from Heaven. The key to success is being equipped...


Description: To operate in the fullness of God’s supernatural power—with signs, wonders, miracles, healings and deliverance—every believer needs to know the availability of Spirit baptism, and the simple process to...


Description: Meet Jesus, the Healer Do you believe in Jesus the Healer? Many Christians confess, “I believe in Jesus, the Son of God, the Savior, the Redeemer.” But what about Jesus...


Description: How to Operate in the Gifts of the Spirit Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant. --1 Cor. 12:1, NKJV Are the gifts of...


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Description: A Lifestyle of Evangelism You can make a difference for all of eternity by demonstrating God's love and power to the world, starting today. The best way to describe evangelism...


Description: Discover for yourself: It really IS more blessed to give than to receive! The Power of Blessing is more than an encouragement to bless. It shows you many ways...


Description: In Single, Married, Separated and Life after Divorce Expanded Edition, Myles Munroe goes more in depth exploring the full range of human relationships. He demolishes the myths surrounding 'singleness'...


Description: Learning how to maximize your potential gives you the confidence to release the God-given gifts and talents trapped within you. You can make a difference in your world now!...


Description: Arm Yourself With the Supernatural GIFTS OF GOD Never again will you feel bored, powerless, or overwhelmed by the world around you-living supernaturally is an eternal gift from God....


Description: Get ready to experience the best 40 days of your life! The 40 Day Soul Fast: Your Journey To Authentic Living is an eight-week study of the life of...


Description: What is God saying through your dreams?  Your dreams are a unique opportunity to hear from Heaven. While you sleep, daily distractions are absent, creating a space for God to...


Description: What is prophetic worship?  There is a new generation of Christians being awakened to this powerful dimension of engaging Heaven. Prophetic worship is not exclusive to singers and musicians—it...


Description: Take Hold of Resurrection Life! The devil prowls around like a lion, seeking to steal, kill, and destroy. The enemy can keep us from experiencing the abundant life that...


Description: Discover the supernatural power of spiritual rest. “Be still, and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10). In the journey of faith, there are times for work and times...


Description: Discover how to close every door to darkness in your life! Can a Christian have a demon? Do believers need ongoing deliverance? If so, how do you receive it? Joanna Adams...


Description: Learn how to access heaven and release it into the earth! Jesus’ disciples heard every message, witnessed every miracle and deliverance and healing and we don’t see one recorded...


Description: Run to the Father when your world feels like it’s falling apart. Loss affects everyone and at some point everyone will walk through a type of major loss in their...


Description: “This book will serve as a modern-day epistle to those in revival and those seeking it. Kim is a doorkeeper. She does not just know about revival but has...
