
Showing 1 to 36 of 53 items

Kingdom of Heaven Encounters that will Ignite Your Child's Heart How do you raise children who will walk in step with Jesus? Who will move in their Spirit-empowered authority? Who...


Just One Encounter Will Redefine and Redirect Your Life Do you find yourself longing for a word or touch from God? For a moment of clarity in His presence? Do...


"Satan hates books like this." Why? They ignite Holy Fire that transforms lukewarm and spiritually-hungry Christians into supernatural warriors. Revival pundits will share all their ideas about how you might...


Bill Johnson guides you through the book that transformed his healing ministry.   The Gospels are full of stories of supernatural healing―sight restored to the blind, the lame made to...


A Devotional to Help You Walk in the Miraculous Every Day! Access to a lifestyle of miracles is our spiritual inheritance as believers―so why do so many of us settle...


Mark! Do you pray prayers that sometimes feel like they hit the ceiling? Are you frustrated by religious praying that does not seem to produce results? Have you tried to...


A guided journey to encountering the Living God. For those who long to break out of stale, lifeless religion; who are hungry for a thriving relationship with God: here is...


40 Days of Accessing Miracles through the Body and Blood of Jesus. For centuries, the Church has observed the Lord’s Supper as part of corporate worship, instituted by Jesus Himself. But...


Description: Experience Continuous Revival Historically there have been seasons where God’s presence awakens revival – moving in powerful ways, saving souls, and releasing miracles. We often think of these seasons as isolated,...


Description: Experimenta avivamiento continuo Históricamente ha habido temporadas en las que la presencia de Dios despierta el avivamiento; se mueve de maneras poderosas, salva almas y desata milagros. Con frecuencia consideramos...


Description: Let Jesus capture your child’s imagination! If you are looking for a resource to help introduce your child to Jesus, look no further. The Moments with Jesus Encounter Bible was designed...


Description: Permite a Jesús capturar la imaginación de tu hijo.Si estás buscando un recurso que te ayude a que tus hijos conozcan a Jesús, no busques más. La Biblia de Encuentros,...


Description: Get Giant Slayers for Free when you add The Way of Life to your cart! Can the Supernatural Become Natural? Bill Johnson, respected pastor, bestselling author and senior leader...


Description: God is Good. He's better than you think! Your view of God impacts everything! “In a friendly, even fatherly tone, Bill Johnson helps guide you through Scripture—Old Testament to...


Description: Start seeing God's goodness all around you! In God is Really Good, discover that God’s goodness is all around us—we just need to learn how to see it! Get ready to follow Sparrow...


Description: Bill Johnson Answers Your Toughest Questions about the Goodness of God Bill Johnson helps answer some of your most controversial and challenging questions about the goodness of God! To build...


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Description: The Lord is Good! In the midst of life's trials and circumstances, there is a timeless source of peace you can always draw joy from: “Taste and see that the Lord...


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Description: Another look at Life from the Lighter Side … for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit....


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Description: Leak Him Out to People Around You! With a confident smile, the Dalai Lama follower asked, “How do you heal people?” I explained, “I invite God’s presence into me,...


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Description: God is better than we think so it s time to change the way we think about Him. "God is Good." More than a positive thought, theological concept, or Biblical...


Description: Bundle of 5 Study Guide is designed to accompany Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind DVD series. Your Key to Unlocking a Supernatural Lifestyle Many Christians believe in miracles,...


Description: God is better than we it’s time to change the way we think about Him. “God is good.” More than a positive thought, theological concept or Biblical statement—what...


Description: There is no junior Holy Spirit!You have a supernatural assignment in God’s Kingdom!Set the standard for a new normal! …the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead...


Description: THE SUPERNATURAL POWER OF A TRANSFORMED MIND! You can live a supernatural life. In fact, moving in the spiritual realm should be as routine as prayer, worship and reading...


Description: Combining the most inspiring of three best-selling books, this 365-day guide to prayer and miracles feed you daily manna from Heaven. Your spirit will be enlightened and your soul...


Description: Can Kids Bring Heaven to Earth? Yes! You can bring Heaven to earth by using the talents and gifts that God gave only to you. Your heavenly Father wants...


Description: Prepare for the ultimate assignment… Have you ever wondered:  If God’s Presence is inside of me, how does that impact my life? If Jesus is my model, can I...


Description: *Study Guide is designed to accompany Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind DVD series. Your Key to Unlocking a Supernatural Lifestyle Many Christians believe in miracles, but they are...


Description: Your Key to Unlocking a Supernatural Lifestyle. Many Christians believe in miracles, but they are not accessing the supernatural as a normal way of life. Is this you? Are you...


Description: This book is a faith builder. It challenges every believer to walk in supernatural signs and wonders as a natural part of everyday life. ~John Arnott Anyone can walk...


Description: Prepare for the ultimate assignment… Have you ever wondered: If God’s Presence is inside of me, how does that impact my life? If Jesus is my model, can I...


Description: Prepare for the ultimate assignment… Have you ever wondered: If God’s Presence is inside of me, how does that impact my life? If Jesus is my model, can I...


Description: Let the Spirit live inside you! Are you hungry for an encounter with Jesus? Do you want to make an impact on the world? In this power-packed book, Bill...


Description: Tell your story to everyone and  release the power of Jesus! …For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10). Telling others about the miracles in...


Description: It’s time to be strong and of good courage. Today’s believer is faced with situations unknown fifty, thirty, even twenty years ago. To stand in victory and enter your...


Description: It’s time to be strong and of good courage. Today’s believer is faced with situations unknown fifty, thirty, even twenty years ago. To stand in victory and enter your...
