
Showing 1 to 24 of 24 items

Uncover the Depths of God's Word with Ease The Bible is full of misunderstood terms and concepts. Many Christians struggle to understand the deeper meaning behind the scriptures they know...


John Examines the Power of True Bible Doctrine Through the Lens of Love Before being exiled to the island of Patmos where he wrote the book of Revelation, the apostle...


A Handbook of Questions and Answers for Pastors   This quick-read handbook, packed with biblical wisdom and practical guidance from the pastoral trenches will equip and encourage you in the midst...


Description: On the day of Pentecost, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit and power to his followers. So dawned the church age. Led from then on by His Spirit, believers blazed...


Description:  Although the city of Ephesus is famous for its reckless living and idol worship, the Ephesian church is deeply spiritual. And so Ephesians, unlike other epistles written to correct...


Description:  God did not create you to be a slave to the worlds economic system. He does not want you to live from paycheck to paycheck, just barely scraping by....


Description:  How would you like to have a business partner who never fails? He will work for your business as if it is the only business in the world. He...


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Description:  After Paul had initially established churches in Galatia, he received discouraging news. Jews from Jerusalem had come to those Gentile churches and were teaching them to follow Jewish law...


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Description:  The book of Romans clarifies the principle of justification, whether it is by deeds of the law, or by the work of God. The law has never been a...


Description: The apostle Paul had a vision in Troas of a man from Macedonia calling him to preach the gospel. Thus began Paul's ministry in the Roman colony of Philippi....


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Description:  Understanding the End Times was never intended to be a book describing world conditions to predict the closeness of the appearing of Jesus for His Church. Many books have...


Description: Godly promotion comes in steps. Slow growth allows us to learn valuable lessons on the way up so once we reach the top, we can stay there and truly...


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Description:  Practical, hands on wisdom for daily life in ministry! What framework does the Word of God give for the office of a pastor? Does the Bible outline the pastors...


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Description: Have you ever wondered why some Christians, obviously called and anointed by God for ministry, never seem to move into the realm of success? We watch and wonder as...


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Description: The clouds of legalism were forming over the church at Jerusalem, hindering the ministries of Peter and Paul. Peter eventually left the Jerusalem church for James to oversee. As...


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Description: Epaphras, pastor of the church at Colosse, reported to an imprisoned Paul that false teachers had infiltrated the Colossian church and were poisoning it with Gnostic doctrine. Paul's response...


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Description:  When tragedy strikes people have a tendency to blame God and question everything they thought they knew from the word of God. Whether it's the death of a loved...


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Description:  When Adam sinned in the garden, he opened the door to every spiritual and physical curse for all mankind, including sickness. Jesus said in John 10:10, The thief (Satan)...


Description:  As Christians, we live in two worlds: natural and supernatural. Even with all our spiritual knowledge, we still have to live out our daily lives on this earth. We...


Description:  The Bible is filled with stories that seem to be "over the top". Although they are true, they are far beyond anything you could imagine. Have you been swallowed...


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Description: Not knowing God's will for your life can leave you in a wilderness of confusion. How do you know when you have found His will? Or when it seems...


Description: The Supernatural Alive in UsThe Holy Spirit has always been with man, but in a limited ministry before the day of Pentecost. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit...


Description: Why does God heal some people but not others?   Do you have questions about divine healing? How does it work? What is required? How much faith is necessary?...


Description: A Practical Guide to Deep Truth If you’ve ever been intimidated by words like redemption, justification, and propitiation, then this book is for you. Seasoned Bible teacher, pastor, and scholar, Bob Yandian...
