Description: Helps: Having Enough Loving People Serving! Churches need the ministry of helps. The time has come for church members to begin doing the work for the ministry, and let...
Description:Â Ushering in the local church is much more than just shaking hands and passing offering plates. Fulfilling your role as an usher is just as important to the body...
Description: Iglesias necesitan el ministerio de ayuda. A llegado la hora en que miembros de las Iglesias empiesen a hacer el trabajo del ministerio y dejen que los pastores regresen...
Description:Â Momentary Ministers . . . Most people think it takes a long time--years, months or even days to accomplish something profound, something great for God. The truth of the...
Description:Â Ser ujier en las Iglesias locales es mucho mas que saludar de mano y pasar el plato de ofrendas. Cumplir con el papel de ujier es tan importante para...