
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 items

Are We on the Right Path? This is a critical hour for the Church! The clock is ticking toward the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, and it's time we...


Description: You are meant to live as a holy carrier of divine glory! There are people who walk in a dimension of Holy Spirit power and presence so strongly, that the...


Description: Supernatural Secrets to a Lifestyle of Answered Prayer 100% Success in Prayer Have you ever been discouraged by unanswered prayers? This is far from what God intends for His...


Description: The Angels of heaven are ready!  Are you?  Kevin Zadai had a supernatural encounter where he received insight and revelation on angels that will prepare God’s people for coming days of...


Description: Discover the Pattern in Heaven to Financial Abundance! God is building His Kingdom on the Earth and He is inviting you to join Him!  God has placed you in a...


Description: How would you live if failure was impossible? All of Heaven is waiting for your answer. When Kevin Zadai died, he met Christ face to face. In this transformative...


Description: God Wants to Talk to You! Many people go through life wishing they could hear from God. They long to know His plans and purposes for their lives, and they...


Description: Master the Biblical art of receiving from Heaven. Many Christians feel that their prayers produce no results, and that God remains distant, despite their pursuit of Him. Why? Because many...


Description: Speak the words that make hell tremble! There are timeless words, straight from the Scripture, that - when spoken and applied - paralyze the devil and cause accelerated supernatural shift....


Description: You were not created to live with limitations! Jesus said that, when it comes to living in the Kingdom of God, we are called to become “like little children.” Little...
