
Showing 1441 to 1476 of 1928 items

Description: The joy that God gives is not based on what is happening around you - it is much more consistent, much more powerful than your day to day circumstances....


Description:  How would you like to have a business partner who never fails? He will work for your business as if it is the only business in the world. He...


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Description:  God has provided health and healing for the Body of Christ, but it must be received by faith. Trace God's healing flow throughout the Old and New Testaments. Learn...


Description:  During these dangerous and uncertain times, it s easy to find ourselves feeling afraid. And there is nothing the enemy enjoys more than seeing God's people live in fear....


Description:  This is an anthology of 35 essays edited by Robert W. Graves, President of The Foundation for Pentecostal Scholarship; written by 26 authors of the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Third...


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Description: A book to help readers discover for themselves—and share with someone they love—the miraculous, life-giving power of the Blood of Jesus Christ! All over the world millions of people...


Description: Create a marriage full of joy, fulfillment, passion and love. Nearly every marriage that ends in divorce happens because of one last fight. Usually it is an accumulation of...


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Description:  This book will become one of your favorite and reliable resources as you continue to discover what it means to be a carrier of God's life. As you study...


Description: Discover the beauty of a balanced life in just 21 days! Women know with todays busy lifestyles and a world full of distractions, it is easy to lose focus...


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Description:  Psalm 91 says God commands His angels to keep you safe. They have a special commission: They enforce God's hundreds of promises to keep you from danger and harm....


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Description: Parents want to do everything they can to help their kids – most importantly, praying for them. But what exactly should they pray? Blaine Bartel, Associate Pastor of the...


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Description: Gucci, Abercrombie, American Eagle, Aeropostal...what's your style? Cathy Bartel helps teen girls navigate through brands, image, and personal style. This book combines themes of Godly character and modesty while...


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Description: Here are the foundations of truth that we have shared worldwide. Here are the reasons for our faith, the secrets of our joy, the strength of our ministries, the...


Description:  After Paul had initially established churches in Galatia, he received discouraging news. Jews from Jerusalem had come to those Gentile churches and were teaching them to follow Jewish law...


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Description:  Your Defining Moment - For the Believer, there is no such thing as mere secular employment, only vocational calling. When we think of men and women of great destiny...


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Description:  Author W. Hacking, son-in-law to Smith Wigglesworth, reveals personal insights into the life of this 20th century apostle. Uncover Smith's intimate relationship with God, how he flowed in God's...


Description:  These fun, scriptural messages help kids understand salvation, the Holy Spirit, and healing on their level. Each book contains 12 delightful illustrations that help illuminate these life-changing concepts.


Description:  Nothing is too difficult for God!  He lives in the realm of the miraculous – and you can, too! In this book you will: * Discover the five infallible...


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Description: John 10:10 says that Satan is out to rob, to kill and to destroy us. Addictions - drugs, alcohol abuse, sexual hang-ups, or self-absorption are some of the biggest...


Description:  Have Your Prayers Gone Unanswered? You may have spent many hours praying. You may have prayed, wept and cried yet your prayers have gone unanswered. If this is the...


Description: A war is raging within you. You're a born-again believer, but your flesh is fighting to regain control. You can win that war! God has placed within you The...


Description:  Parenting with the Power of Prayer As a parent today, you must face raising your child in a world filled with complicated challenges. With so much information available in...


Description:  The book of Romans clarifies the principle of justification, whether it is by deeds of the law, or by the work of God. The law has never been a...


Description:  Why You Should Speak In Tongues!In this book Norvel Hayes explains one of the reasons why you should speak in tongues is, unless you allow Jesus to baptize you...


Description:  One way to obtain God's mighty healing power is believing in James 5:14-15. Norvel Hayes explains how you must confess and believe that you are healed regardless of whether...


Description:  "Only Believe!" I'm a thousand times bigger on the inside than on the outside! Fear looks; faith jumps! These statements were heard by thousands of people who sat under...


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Description:  In this powerful book, Dr. Norvel Hayes shares that you can experience the same results in your life as the Bible promises. He shares with a bold enthusiasm that...


Description:  Feeling like a spiritual wimp? Life's challenges got you down? Thinking about giving up? It's time for a spiritual checkup! Everyone faces challenges, but when you're equipped with the...


Description:  Heaven conducts its most serious business in an atmosphere of joy. In The Secret Power of Joy, Mark Hankins shows believers how to bring the heavenly atmosphere of joy...


Description: See Ya. So Long. We're Outta Here! They've graduated and they're going out into the world. Today's graduates are packing and leaving for the next big transition in their...


Description:  Many Christians talk about what they are trying to be, what they need to be, and what they are going to be, but this book is about who you...


Description: The Lord Jesus Christ is an example for us. We're supposed to fight the deveil the same way that Jesus fought the devil. In this book you'll learn the...


Description:  If you feel overloaded and stressed out, this book is for you. God wants to enlarge our capacity to handle the stress of daily living while giving us peace...


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Description: Are you grieving? Do you know someone who is? Rev. Cooke's Life After Death contains insights from God's Word and personal reflections from those who have walked the road...


Description:  Do you have a dream so big it seems impossible, yet it consumes your thoughts? Have you considered that God has planted His thoughts deep inside your spirit and...


Description: Most teens strive to be "cool", but do they really know what it means to be cool? Most have a skewed view on what being cool really is, and...
