Description: Did you know that the visionary realm of the Spirit is multi-sensory? Just as you have natural senses, you also have spiritual senses, and God can speak to...
Description: The seer realm lies just beyond what your natural eyes can see. This dimension is full of activity, both angelic and demonic. The Seer Dimensions offers revelation and practical...
Description: Can the tide be turned? As America’s moral foundation continues to collapse, it is our Christian duty to pray continuously for our country. But to shift a nation’s destiny,...
Description: Kids ask the darndest questions-now you will have the answers! This compilation of the best-selling Mommy Why? series gives parents and adults the answers to the toughest questions all...
Description: Waiting for the right man? If you are like most young ladies, you are waiting for the right man, the right career, the right time to become who they...
Description: You Can Fulfill the Plan of God for Your Life God has an amazing plan for your life! Do you know God’s awesome plan that He has designed...
Description: Are you in a rut repeating the same story year after year? Have you got big dreams for your life but don't know where to start? Have you tried...
Description: What if a single revelation could change your destiny in a moment? In this riveting bestselling series, author Rick Joyner takes you on the supernatural journey that has captivated millions. This is...
Description: What will it take to see a fresh wave of God’s power crash over the nations? The earth is shaking. The church is suffering from compromise and powerlessness....
Description: Are you living up to your supernatural potential? Many Christians live their lives in a spiritual desert, never witnessing the incredible things that Jesus promised. This is because they...
Description: Declarations and decrees that give you an advantage over the enemy! The enemy of every believer prowls around like a roaring lion, searching for lives to devour. But when...
Description: Start Operating in the Gift of Prophecy Today! When it comes to prophecy, the three most common questions among Christians are: Can every believer speak prophetically? If so, how...
Description: The safe, natural alternative to the dangers of prescription meds, conventional personal care products, and common household cleaners. In their quest to help people around the world discover...
Description: God is madly in love with you! You’ve heard the phrase “God loves you.” But what does it really mean? And do you even believe it? The 100 Bible...
Description: Discover the supernatural power of spiritual rest. “Be still, and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10). In the journey of faith, there are times for work and times...
Description: Wisdom from Some of the Greatest Church Leaders of our Time Ten of the Largest Church Ministries Aggressively Touching the World is about the innovative ways these leaders plant...
Description: Kids face many challenges every day. Finishing homework and household chores, learning new life skills, and navigating moral choices all come with the opportunity to either persevere or to...
Description: How would you live if failure was impossible? All of Heaven is waiting for your answer. When Kevin Zadai died, he met Christ face to face. In this transformative...
Description: Freedom from demonic oppression is surprisingly simple! If you struggle with addiction, anger, fear, or other negative cycles, it could be a result of demonic influence in your...
Description: Represent Your President and Nation in the Courts of Heaven… and help secure the prophetic destiny of the United States of America! America is at a crisis point. Depending...
Description: If you’re ready for a fun, practical, step-by-step study to help you experience the Holy Spirit, this book is for you! Whether you’re a fledgling Christian, seeking to...
Description: Do you long to pray powerful prayers that impact Heaven and shake earth? Do you want to partner with God to deliver victory in challenging circumstances? Do you want...
Description: Journey to discover the role of Christianity from its beginnings to the present day. The name of Jesus and his teachings captured people’s hearts and minds throughout much of...
Description: A Seer Shares Prophetic Insights on How to Claim Warfare Victory God is raising up a company of believers who can wage victorious spiritual warfare through communion with Holy Spirit...
Description: This is the key to supernaturally shifting atmospheres! Many Christians assume that only a few gifted individuals can move in the miraculous, but the Bible teaches that all believers...
Description: Discover how to close every door to darkness in your life! Can a Christian have a demon? Do believers need ongoing deliverance? If so, how do you receive it? Joanna Adams...
Description: Claim your prophetic promise in the midst of the storm! What do you do when you receive a promise from the Lord but it doesn’t come to pass? How do...
Description: The Sword may destroy your enemies, but the Scepter will secure your inheritance. For too long, Christians have been battling against the forces of darkness when they should be...
Description: Destroy the devil’s works! As a former high-ranking satanic priest, John Ramirez is well-acquainted with the enemy’s strategies. Now, as a liberated follower of Jesus, Ramirez offers exclusive intelligence on...
Description: Do you ever wonder why you're not experiencing the freedom and abundant life promised in Scripture? Despite the freedom that Jesus purchased at the cross, many Christians still live in...
Description: The Armor of God: Your Key to Victory Right now, there is a real spiritual battle going on in the unseen realm. Every Christian must equip themselves against the forces...
Description: Discover Prayer as a Supernatural Portal to Spiritual Dimensions! Many believers’ prayers go unanswered because they never fully enter the spiritual realms that their prayers open up! Apostolic leader and author,...
Description: Great leaders are made from the inside out. Great leadership creates extraordinary things. Poor leadership causes irreparable damage. The result depends on the person in charge. While some are born with...
Description: Keep Your Fire Burning In A Life Ablaze, author Rick Renner offers an on-time message that is crucial for every Christian in this end-time season of the Church. Rick’s thought-provoking questions...