Begin Your Journey to a New Dimension in Prayer Have you struggled for the right words when you pray? Have you wanted to pray with someone who really knows how...
"Hell is about to feel the fury of millions of praying lions - full of power, glory, and fire." - Todd Smith Our world, increasingly ravaged by darkness, is in...
¡Satisface el anhelo más profundo de tu corazón! Muchos creyentes se sienten frustrados en sus vidas cristianas. Pasan por disciplinas espirituales y prácticas religiosas, pero no se sienten más cerca...
Satisfy the deepest longing of your heart! Many believers feel frustrated in their Christian lives. They go through spiritual disciplines and religious practices, but do not feel closer to God....
Guaranteeing the Devil's Defeat! Unseen forces and hindrances―fear, failure, sickness, trauma, guilt, and more often try to stand in your way. These destructive enemies play keep-away with God's best for...
You are called to lead. This book will help. We are on the cusp of the greatest move of God our generation has ever seen! But, if the right leadership...
Forgiveness is the Key for Healing and Personal Revival If you've been frustrated by fruitless prayers for healing, greater supernatural encounters, or corporate revival, you may be experiencing a serious...
Miracles, signs, and wonders can be part of your everyday life! When you study the life and ministry of Jesus, it becomes quickly evident that miracles are central to the...
Discover the Secret to Receiving Your Miracle Your "until" moment is coming – that victorious moment of breakthrough after your long season of desperate prayer finally pays off! When it...
The book of Proverbs was written for two groups of people: those who know they need wisdom and those who don't. Whichever category you fall into, the road map to...
Unearth the Greatness That God Placed in You! "Every believer has received grace gifts, so use them to serve one another as faithful stewards of the many-colored tapestry of God's...
In Your Sleep, God is Speaking Did you realize that your spirit never sleeps? When your body sleeps God has your full attention because your distracted mind is temporarily on...
Children can know and experience Holy Spirit in all His fullness! My Friend, Holy Spirit was written to provide beautiful shared experiences between you, your child, and Holy Spirit. Through...
There's More to This StoryThan You've Been Told Is there more about the story of Christmas you wish you understood or that you have specific questions about? In this storybook...
Some important questions everyone asks at some time in their life are: "Why am I here?" "Why was I born?" "What is God's purpose for my life?" "Why do I...
1 in 10 people has had a near-death experience.Do these NDEs reveal the heaven and hell we read about in the Bible?All of us long to know with absolute certainty...
What's in your pocket? Briefcases, purses, wallets, and back pockets…each one of us has a set amount of space to carry our daily necessities. Every day that space is crammed...
You can be set free from the spirit of fear right now! The Bible tells us that as Spirit-filled believers in Jesus, we are not called to operate under the...
Unshakable Hope What kind of life are you building? Do you want to be unshakable in a shaky world? You can build your life on the enduring promises of God....
The Radical Christian's Handbook for Uncovering and Defeating the Evil in Our Culture "As Christians, we have no option as to whether or not we are going to do spiritual...
Take up the mantle and fulfill the assignment you were destined for! "He also took up the mantle of Elijah that had fallen from him..." (II Kings 2:13) Throughout history,...
God has called YOU to be an agent of cultural change! America is experiencing a cultural revolution. Against the onslaught of conflicting political agendas, powerful media pressures, and radical ideologies,...
"Blood dripped from my arm, cold rain pelted my face. I stood bewildered in the middle of the street. As I shivered in fright, I realized I went to Hell,...
Access the different realms of angelic assistance and assignments! Are angels real? Are they still doing what they did in the Bible? How can you discern their presence and activity?...
A dynamic place to experience a friendship with God that your heart thirsts for. Are you in a desperate season, struggling with the pain and wounds of the past? Is...
Think and Grow Rich - Over 80 Million Copies SoldThis edition of Napoleon Hill's Classic Think and Grow Rich is a reproduction of Napoleon Hill's personal copy of the first edition, the ONLY...
God can turn our worst mess into a message that releases supernatural hope, healing, and transformation! With all the conveniences of the modern world, it seems like people would be...
Glorious Freedom Comes with Real Forgiveness It is impossible to go through this life without being wounded or wronged. But how do you move on when someone has hurt you...
Ignite your prayers with the Fire of Pentecost! From the Upper Room in Jerusalem to this very hour, the rushing river of the Holy Spirit has been flowing since Pentecost....
You Don't Have to Stay Broken What do you do when tragedy strikes? When you've been abused or traumatized, how do you heal? When everything seems lost, how do you...
The Bible is clear that at the end of the age, the spiritual hurricane of persecution that struck the Early Church will once again batter society with devastating consequences. In...
"Earth to Eden…" Dad says, grabbing little Eden's attention long enough to share the story of the Garden… In this story, Eden learns of the Creator's glory and love for...
ÁSŽ el mover de Dios por el cual has estado orando! Posiblemente uno de los mayores impedimentos al siguiente gran despertar es que muchos creyentes est‡n consumidos con el concepto...
This prophetic revelation of the life giving Blood of Jesus is critical in these precarious end-time days! "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the...
Are you in need of a miracle? Do you want to operate in the miraculous to see others healed, delivered, and transformed? If so, then this is the book for...
More than a blank page journal or fill-in-the-blanks exercise, this guided journal from Bishop T.D. Jakes provides a unique format for readers to explore their hearts, minds, desires, needs, wants,...