
Showing 37 to 42 of 42 items

Description: Be the Best Parent for Your ChildDirect your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.Proverbs 22:6, NLT  How you parent directly...


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Description: THE ARMORBEARERS OF TODAY WILL BE THE LEADERS OF TOMORROW. Terry Nance, author of the best-selling book God's Armorbearer Volumes 1 and 2, reaffirms that the local church is...


Description: No matter how many times you have lost the battle—you can still win the war!  There’s a war going on for the souls of men. It’s reached epic levels...


Description: Here is a fresh look at the age-old role of parenting. Loving Our Kids on Purpose brings the principles of the Kingdom of God and revival into our strategy...


Description: You Are Worth Waiting For! In a world consumed with quick-fixes, superficial romances, and “hookup” relationships, maybe you’re asking— What’s the benefit to actually waiting for God’s best?Is there...


Description: You CAN build a strong and lasting marriage! Even if you have pre-marriage counseling with your pastor, this book is an excellent and richly rewarding experience for both of...
