
Showing 469 to 504 of 1929 items

Church history has witnessed many expressions of outpouring and revival, but nothing like the days ahead!Prophetic voice, Paul Keith Davis, has good news: there are great days ahead for the...


¿Necesitas experimentar Resurrección o Avivamiento en algún área de tu vida? Muchos seguidores de Jesús andan como sonámbulos en sus vidas cristianas. Portan una sonrisa, asisten a las reuniones de su...


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Do you need to experience Resurrection or Revival in any area of your life? Many Jesus followers are sleepwalking through their Christian lives. They wear a smile, attend church gatherings, and try their best to...


40 Days of Accessing Miracles through the Body and Blood of Jesus. For centuries, the Church has observed the Lord’s Supper as part of corporate worship, instituted by Jesus Himself. But...


Real-Life Superheroes YOU are God’s supernatural solution for a world beset with giant problems. Pastor Kerrick Butler II encourages us that the problems we face in the world today must...


What does the tone of God’s voice sound like? Every day, we are bombarded by voices of fear, anger, and speculation. They seek to drown out the one voice that we so desperately...


Powerful prayers and declarations that supernaturally redeem your past and miraculously prepare your future.In his bestselling book Redeeming Your Timeline, pastor and author, Troy Brewer showed you the radical transformation that...


Get Ready for the Coming Bridegroom! When many Christians think about the second coming of Jesus, they imagine apocalyptic disaster, fear and terror, and world-collapse. But what if the second coming was...


Description:  Your Tongue Has the Power of Life and Death!Life is not whatever will be, will be. It’s what you say it is! Words are the most powerful force in...


Description: Live every day like a victorious warrior! This unique devotional unleashes explosive, supernatural power in bite-sized prophetic words.Lion Bites is a daily “call to arms!” Carrying the full weight of Scripture...


It’s almost Christmas, and something strange is happening in Jollytown: manger scenes, decorations, and gifts are missing, and holiday cheer is quickly turning into utter chaos! The evil Dr. Zorb,...


The Supernatural Becomes Natural in the Fasted LifeIf you are searching for more or sense something is amiss in your relationship with God, it is. Fasting is the doorway to fix that! Revivalist...


“Sean Smith is one of a small group of people I know who are qualified to write such a book. Prophetic Evangelism is more than something he does; it is who he...


Dreams to stir hope, awaken expectation, and inspire your faith for the coming revivalIn this era, God is revealing His plans to His people through dreams and visions. Are you...


You can stand strong in the midst of shaking. Does it feel like all hell is breaking loose in the church right now? This time of shaking is actually an act of...


Shape your world with God’s spoken word! God created us to carry hope and transformation to the world! God’s supernatural ability is manifested through His words, and when His people confidently...


Daily encouragements to tend the prophetic flame The Prophet’s Devotional was written to equip and encourage you in your prophetic gift. No matter where you are in your prophetic journey, this essential...


This is your prophetic commissioning! In these last days, the prophets foresee a great Holy Spirit outpouring – a revival that will not be constrained by the four walls of an institution,...


Description: “Successful people are resilient people. The key to resiliency is learning how to reclaim your soul each and every day!” Have you ever wondered… If everyone wants to succeed,...


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Does God Have a Plan for His Church? God is getting His Church ready for coming revival, a great ingathering of the harvest, and end-time persecution. The Great Commission can...


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The Church Triumphant at the End of the Age offers a victorious glimpse of His Bride in these Last Days. It is GOD working among His people as characterized by revival,...


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You can be a soul winner. At the turn of the last century, there were only two books on personal evangelism, one by Charles Trumbull and one by R.A. Torrey....


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Bible Studies for Soul WinnersOver 30,000 copies of this book have been used by Christians to get a thorough, biblical understanding of evangelism and to be motivated for soul winning.And...


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This book examines every major passage in the Bible on the subject of God’s plan for women. It refutes the traditional teaching of husbands having authority over their wives and...


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The realm of revelation is opening to a last-days revival company!Arise, shine, for your Light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness...


Description: USA TODAY AND PUBLISHERS WEEKLY BESTSELLER • A yearlong book of prayers to bring nightly hope and a sense of connection to mothers who feel alone, from the mother-daughter team behind the...


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Description: NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • You can choose hope in the midst of chaos. The visionary behind the million-strong IF:Gathering challenges you to exercise your God-given power to shift negative thinking patterns and...


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Description: NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • ECPA BESTSELLER • “When it comes to the intersection of race, privilege, justice, and the church, Tasha is without question my best teacher. Be the Bridge is...


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Description: #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A candid, inspiring guide to finding lasting love and sustaining a healthy relationship by getting real about your goals—based on the viral, multi-million-view sermon series about...


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Description: ABOUT THIS BOOK…Getting a Grip on the Basics of Prayer is a practical, comprehensive, easy-to-follow Bible study designed to help Christians pray effectively. If you’ve never been taught prayer basics,...


Description: A teacher nicknamed him Stupid for an entire school year…job-placement counselors told him to steer clear of college due to his academic ineptitude…friends shied away from him because of his love...


Description: How you relate to money is a big deal—whether you have much or you don’t! Too many Christians have the wrong idea about money! Some base their thinking on the...


Description: God Wants You Healed! This is a powerful book—so powerful that tens of thousands have been healed just by reading and acting upon the scriptural truths it contains.  A living classic...


Description: Mobilize…Activate…Deploy!A call is going out for believers to rise up. It’s time for action! It’s time to get in your place, be who God says you are, and transform...


Description: Experience Continuous Revival Historically there have been seasons where God’s presence awakens revival – moving in powerful ways, saving souls, and releasing miracles. We often think of these seasons as isolated,...


Description: Experimenta avivamiento continuo Históricamente ha habido temporadas en las que la presencia de Dios despierta el avivamiento; se mueve de maneras poderosas, salva almas y desata milagros. Con frecuencia consideramos...
