Prayers That Impact Heaven and Shake Earth Do you want to pray powerful prayers that get results? Do you want to partner with God for victory over challenges? Do you...
Mystify invites you into a fantastic story of experiencing the presence of God in the elements of creation. Earth A House Vibrates and the Ground Shakes Wind The Wind of the Spirit Blows...
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers(3 John 1:2). In God Wants You Rich, Ashley Terradez unpacks one of God’s most...
Do you know why you're here? Do you know what you're supposed to accomplish? Your work — what you do in this life — matters greatly to God. Whether it...
No matter the challenges, troubles, or losses you may face in life, you have a hope that will not be denied summed up in five simple words: The Lord Is...
The Holy Spirit is reintroducing the church to Pentecostal Fire! When many consider modern Christianity, they rightly wonder how we have come so far from the dynamic, supernatural community pictured in...
DON’T KISS DATING GOODBYE! There is a much better way! Dr. Myles Munroe is an internationally acclaimed teacher and conference speaker with several best-selling books to his credit. In Waiting...
"…GOD IS NOT FAR FROM EACH OF US!" - Apostle Paul (Acts 17:27) Pastor Josh Adkins was born into a renown Christian evangelist family. Yet throughout his life, he often...
Every great revival begins with a groan.Today, many Christians desperately cry out to God, pleading for Him to send spiritual awakening. But there is a realm of effective prayer that...
A prophetic alarm clock is sounding: it's time for revival! Pastor John Kilpatrick sounds a prophetic trumpet for believers to lay down their plans and programs that will never bring true...
Interrupt the plans of darkness and shift circumstances to align with God's will! In our culture, the powers of darkness have been working overtime to turn a generation away from...
Every sphere of society is crying out for Kingdom transformation! Sadly, poor teaching and great misunderstanding have led many Christians to reject any notion of so-called "dominion theology." This has...
While you sleep, the Holy Spirit is still speaking! What did that blue tree mean in your dream last night? Was it because of the pizza you had for dinner, or...
A Supernatural Tool for End-Time Revival You are living in the last days―a season where God is pouring out His Spirit upon believers, empowering them to walk in the greatest...
Take Back What the Devil Has Stolen! It's a critical and pivotal moment in America with ominous signs all around. Most Christians firmly agree the nation is on a dangerous...
60+ Signs of Jesus' Soon Return! As the world grows more volatile with looming wars, rampant pandemics, and violence in the streets, many people are wondering, Is the end near? YES! But...
Powerful Tools to Make Your Money Work for YouMany Christians are aware that God wants them blessed, but they do not understand how to walk in that blessing. For example,...
"Be ready." God has an appointment with the Church. Through His Word and Spirit, we know that His time of judgment and celebration with His children is near."Be ready." You...
Strap on your rocket boots and step into the next exciting, quirky, and always hilarious universe of Captain Zepto and other members of the Light Brigade. Blast into a thrilling...
Wear the Father's Heart on Your Sleeve! You were created to love and be loved supernaturally, not as a concept or theology, but as a living experience―the very love of...
Unexpected Trips to Heaven! What comes to mind when you think about Heaven? No matter what your perspective, the stories in this book will forever change your understanding of the...
Access Your Prophetic Advantage in Prayer! What is really happening in the unseen realm when we pray in tongues? In Tongues of Fire, seasoned prophetic teacher and prayer leader, Jennifer LeClaire...
Experience Miracles Wherever You Go… even in unexpected places! Is your heart crying out for more? Do you long to experience the supernatural? Do you want to live a life...
Break the cycles of sin and defeat in your family bloodline. And become the one who pioneers a new legacy of blessing and breakthrough! There is much talk and teaching...
Marxism is the most evil, deadly, totalitarian philosophy of government in history. Marxist governments are estimated to have murdered more than 100 million of their own citizens to purge even...
If you're a Christian, life should be getting better and better. You should be living proof of Jesus' declaration that you have life, and...have it more abundantly" (John 10:10).
Think and Grow Rich - Over 80 Million Copies SoldThis edition of Napoleon Hill's Classic Think and Grow Rich is a reproduction of Napoleon Hill's personal copy of the first edition, the ONLY...
100 Days of Journeying Deeper Into God’s Presence ...featuring Devotions by Christian Mystics: Miguel de Molinos, Jeanne Guyon and Francois Fenelon Bored with the exercises of religious ritualism and parched...
These principles of war were formulated by Ludwig von Clausewitz, an officer in the Napoleonic Wars. They quickly became a paradigm for developing strategy and tactics by virtually every military...
Learn your God-language! Every day, God is speaking to you—not through a booming voice from Heaven, but in ways that are simple, common, and often overlooked. God is not a formula; He...
It’s Time to Claim Those Promises of God and Prophecies Over Your Life! Jesus came so that we can live life in abundance, but many feel stuck, waiting for that abundant...
Stand on the shoulders of giants! Have you ever wished you could have a mentor like the Apostle Paul—someone trustworthy to guide your spiritual development and ministry? Tony Cooke, author,...
A Handbook of Questions and Answers for Pastors This quick-read handbook, packed with biblical wisdom and practical guidance from the pastoral trenches will equip and encourage you in the midst...
It’s time for the daughters of God to arise!Deborah, the Old Testament judge and prophetess, was filled with Holy Spirit revelation, employing divine wisdom and supernatural strategy to influence her...