Description: You are designed to touch God and supernatural The high sensitivity required to sense and feel what other people experience is what makes life painful-it also makes it possible...
Description: Miracle Workers, Reformers and the New Mystics contains more than 70 photos, illustrations, and biographies of men and women whose lives have demonstrated the phenomenal throughout the ages. Let...
Description: God wants your entire life! Not just your heart, People don't know or recognize the power of God anymore. ...but, I want to tell people that God still performs...
Description: Combining the most inspiring of three best-selling books, this 365-day guide to prayer and miracles feed you daily manna from Heaven. Your spirit will be enlightened and your soul...
Description: How to Operate in the Gifts of the Spirit Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant. --1 Cor. 12:1, NKJV Are the gifts of...
Description: Going deeper into His glory! A how-to book for activating every believer into their God-given birthright to not only see into the spirit realm, but to interact in a...
Description: Look again to See Beyond! You can step into God’s gateway to receive personal insights from Heaven—today. The Gateway to the Seer Realm: Look Again to See Beyond the...
Description: Every Christian has received a divine inheritance—access to a life beyond anything they could ever imagine! As God continues to pour out His Spirit through dreams, visions and supernatural...
Description: From Curses to Blessings takes readers through a thorough teaching on the various causes that allow curses to enter our lives, including generational patterns and personal sin. The authors...
Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams. Acts 2:17 This personal revelatory journal will teach you the secrets of understanding and interpreting the supernatural language...
Description: Exciting and insightful dreams to help us on our journey. Encountering God through dreams and the supernatural realm is exciting and we can all welcome this gift. Open your...
Description: It's time to discover your prophetic gifts! This book will help you find and release the special gifts God has given to you! Discovering the Seer in You: Exploring...
Description: Go Beyond Self-Help and Get Spiritual-Help! Can you experience deep, permanent relief… in minutes? A times comes for everyone when theories and mental exercises just don’t cut it, and...
Description: THE WORD OF GOD Is mighty and powerful and is well able to profoundly influence your life! When you receive Christ as your personal Savior, you enter into an...
Description: Get free and stay free! Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I...
Description: Creatively Supernatural! Offering a launching pad for you to burst into the realm of creative expression—that fun, fantasy world where the Creator is waiting to welcome you. There is...
Description: Author of the "Prophets" series, Dr. Bill Hamon brings the same anointed instruction in this new series on apostles! Learn about the apostolic age and how apostles and prophets...
Description: Is there a heaven? Is hell real? Is there life after death?Discover the answers that will change your life forever! People genuinely want to know if there is...
Description: Discover the Biblical Truth about the controversial gift of speaking in tongues Have you ever been told that speaking in tongues is “not for today?’ Maybe you’ve heard people...
Description: A Lifestyle of Evangelism You can make a difference for all of eternity by demonstrating God's love and power to the world, starting today. The best way to describe evangelism...
Description: The Supernatural Treasure Hunt The Ultimate Treasure Hunt leads believers into a supernatural lifestyle of Kingdom building. Author Kevin Dedmon captures the heart of witnessing and personal evangelism through...
Description: As a young Jewish businessman, Sid Roth's goal was to be a millionaire before age 30. At age 29, he realized that was not going to happen. Sid left...
Description: Discover Heaven’s blueprint to overcoming darkness in your region! “How could God transform my city? It’s so full of sin, corruption and immorality. Revival could never come here.” Have...
Description: This book shows you how to recognize your hidden "root" problems, and detect and correct character flaws and "weed seed" attitudes. It also can teach you how to discern...
Description: The prophetic movements in church history and in contemporary life are fed by two mighty streams: the prophet, whose revelation is primarily verbal, and the seer, whose revelation is...
Description: The Next 90 Days Will Change Your Life! Is God still healing people today? Does He want to heal me? How do I receive my healing? People everywhere have always...
Description: “Chris Gore is a powerfully anointed minister of healing. In his book, truth and testimony are blended in an exciting, entertaining, educating way.” – Randy Clark, author of "There is...
Description: Be Equipped to Carry the Miraculous! Have you ever thought, I believe in healing. But the healing ministry is for—someone on a platform? Someone who is super spiritual? Someone...
Description: You are part of the Kings Royal Family This training manual will take you on a systematic journey into your God given destiny. You will dispel the pauper mindset,...
Description: Speak in Tongues? About 95 percent of Spirit-baptized Christians don’t understand the purposes and benefits of speaking in tongues. More than 600 million Christians have received the gift of...
Description: In the midst of worldwide shaking and global anxiety, nations search for strategies. People struggle, desperate for answers. Maybe this describes you. This timely repackaged edition of The Ancient...
Description: Guardian Angels? Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels (Hebrews 13:2)Saved by Angels reveals how the Lord reaches out to all...
Description: Empowered to Heal Where do sickness and disease come from, and what can we do about it? In this book, Becky Dvorak conveys a clear message from Scripture—human beings...
Description: Satisfy the hunger in your heart! An exciting and insightful journey into the visionary world of The Seer. The prophetic movements in church history and in contemporary life...
Description: Unlock the Secrets to Walking in Divine Science and the Supernatural Collide You were not designed to live with pain, sickness, or emotional torment. The same God...
Description: So this is Heaven! These true stories are your unique, personal opportunities to enjoy a taste of Heaven from here on earth. Heaven Is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations shares...